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Monday, November 12, 2012

Almost 70 degrees, Big Ride, Great Trails - Duke

Duke wasnt himself on the trail.  Being near Andy, Duke wasnt happy.  He at the point where the wooden bridge goes to the right. Duke bent into the woods where there was broken branches and he dipped into the woods on the left.  He wouldnt go when I asked him nicely.  He was stalling to ride behind Andy.  I was so confused. Duke is usually so up against Andy's butt.  He wanted Andy and the new woman I met, Dawn to go in front of us.  It was confusing.  Duke is so interesting of a horse.  I love all the horses.  I miss Blue, Tulsa, Domino, Duchess, Hershey, Andy, Smokey, Foxie, Bright Eyes, every one.
Didnt take too many pics today. I enjoyed the open air the beautiful trail and I especially liked how happy Cassie seemed out as the guide today for the ride. She was happily talking about her little boy. She makes me feel good. I tried to take some nice pictures of her on the trail. Shes a good guide and she is like the breath of the Ranch.

Anyway the lady was very nice. She seemed a little older and she said she loved her grand children.  She said that usually she comes to the ranch on week days.  She seems very nice.  Not sure Ill ever see her again because she doenst ride on weekends.
Oh well, I finally got to see Sarah again.  I have missed her because she works on Sundays.  Anja, Cassie, the new girl, Sheila all worked today.  I miss Cathy and  havent seen her husband Sandy in a long time.  I know they need help at the farm.  I wish there was something I could do sometimes but Im not very experienced in the barn yard.  I guess I feel like the books I read as a kid where they describe all the work on the farm and how its hard work. The ride was short.  We only trotted a couple times and the trots were short because of the water on the trails.  Also we took the trail that doesnt go around the lake but doubles back at the corner of the ride that can be the most exciting when taking a two-hour or a fast ride around the lake.   Duke hated the puddles that were like lakes.  Someone asked about 2 hour rides in the mornings. Cassie said she wasnt sure they were running them because Cathy used to take them and she hasnt been around in a while.  The woman Dawn went out 2 rides on Andy.  My ride and the one after.  She wanted me to go for the 2nd ride with her I think.  I knew I had to go have coffee and get to Kohls for the sale.
Well when the ride is this big, Im thinking well over 20 they cant do too much.  Bobby said the next one the people booked and then didnt show up.  He gets tense because they book and then they dont show up.  Its hard for him to plan for 23 horses when he doesnt have that many ready and then the people dont even come for thier ride.   It must be a pain in the butt.  Bob and  Bobby talked to me for a while after the ride.  I got some bread to feed the Big Rooster.  He was so sweet.  He didnt peck my fingers.  I was tickled pink he let me feed him.  Its nice to talk to Bob and Bobby.

Sheila was so dam busy.  I feel for her under these circumstances.  Bob told me that he doesnt know how he could ever be do anything without Sheila.  Its got to be great to know that she's there for him.  There is no one more qualified to take care of the farm horses.
Bobby Jr told me stories.  He remembered the name of the horse that they had quarantined a few weeks ago.  Her name is Jenny and she already in the herd doing rides.  I cant believe some horses are so amazing. Bobby told me the story of Tango's mother. How she had tango and was a horse they got from the auction.  He said Tangos mother was worth thousands and thousands of dollars to them.  It was cool.  I like talking to those guys.

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