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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Colleen Olivia, Andy Blue, just us!

Great ride.  Timing is everything.  When I called at 9am Bobby said there were three others on the ride.   Oh well I thought this ride was going to be not as good.  I was totally wrong. They asked me who I wanted I said, Well Duchess, Duke, Smokey, Hershey they were all ready.  Blue sweetie was ready too. I said, Yeah Blue.  What a great decision he was so good.  Andy, Colleen's fav was feeling a little uncomfortable from the last rider but Colleen said, Lets go Andy.
Blue was so sweet.  He trotted like a dream, I felt he was also fast.  After our first trot we put Andy in front of Blue.  Blue was fine with it. Colleen said that Andy was tailgating Blue and just not himself.  I believe a little love from Colleen could help him feel better.   I wonder if riders have made him annoyed  humans.
When we go there it was about 945 and we were able to walk around a little about 55 degrees.  The ride was still out.  I had my pick and got Blue.  As we went out on the trail I realized we were just going Olivia, Colleen and I for this ride. We lucked out with  a private ride. I was amazed at how lucky were with this one.  I didnt think we would have a great ride but it was amazing.  After Colleen got in front of me and then we went on the trails it was great.  Around the lake.
Found out that Sheila had a mishap last week and was injured.  Tango was spooked.  It sounds like crazy, Tango is so trust worthy.  I hope all is well. Bobby said it must have been a bee.  Later I spoke with Sheila on the phone, she said that Tango was like Rodeo and bucked a few times, maybe three, then she fell on her side.  Tango looked over at her like he was confused that she wasnt on his back.  Poor things.

Burrs in his mane fur

Bobby was tricking me at the bathroom  Ha ha


Meal Time!

Jewel was scared of the pitch fork

Help for Bobby in the Corral

Too cold for the rope swing today.

Trails were still really wet but we were able to go around the lake.  Yeah!

Blue turned his head to me everytime I spoke to him.

Blue turning to me while I take his pic.

Olivia's 14 hand horse. 


He after the first trot gave a message to Colleen that he was uncomfortable.  While my Blue was amazing. Im so happy to be riding him.   He's great.  He trotted great during our trots around the lake.  Luckily we were able to go around the lake. We went up the hill and around the corner down the path for a while.
Blue was so sweet on the ride. So many times he would take a break and look around the woods to the sides and deep into the woods. You know I think that he is very smart.  He stopped during the trots I thik he felt too close to Andy.  Blue is cool because he listens to you.  He looks at me all the time when I talk to him.  Also I petted him so much durin the ride. I think he knows I care about him as we go on the ride.

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