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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Duke, Sarah and Akiva

Duke was grumpy. So funny. He didnt want to go out of the corral.  He walked away at the dining hall.  He slowed down twice on trots.  He also was spooked 3 times because Akiva jumped worried about things like a horse coming out of the trailer.  
Duke was pretty cool on the ride.We picked up an extra trot on the way back.  Duke loved it.  He was so happy. Stubborn today but got his grass and we had extra trots.  We went nearly around the lake and we also cut back next to the wooden walkway.  Akiva wasnt happy to walk near the wooden walkway and the bridge.  When we got there Bobby has a lady looking at Oreo.

I have decided to use this recent ride with Sarah B. as my happy place.  While I was trying to go to sleep last night and I imagined that I was on the trail and we were getting ready to trot.  I re-visualized being on the trails.  The trot after the main split, the trot before the bridge, the trot after the long trail that goes around the corner on the left into the little desert.  The trot after the lake edge wooden bridge that goes up the hill around the right corner and to the next two openings at the lake.  Side note sometimes we go even further on the trot until we go up a hill and down a hill and around a small rock.  We backed tracked at the lake and when by the wooden walkway again.  Akiva didnt like to ride near the wood and Sarah walked her.  This gave Duke a great opportunity to get some green grass.  I was all about it because the winter is long and the grass looked delicious.  Duke can be crazy about grass.
Anyway Sarah thought we should trot one more time a place I have never trotted and Duke picked UP the trot excited by the new locations for running fast.
Id say that is my happy place, remembering this ride.

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