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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Xmas ride today, Thanks Duke, Sarah, Anja and Kanti

I had prepped the gingerbread horses, reindeer and people in little holiday bags with everyones name on it. I wasnt sure Id be going to the farm today but if I hadnt I know Id be so disappointed. Really its the only thing I want for xmas. As I was driving, I realized I had brought xmas stuff for the guides but what about my friends, the horses? Duke, Oreo, Blue, Domino, Duchess, Tulsa they always take such good care of me. Well I decided I needed to stop at the snooty grocery store and grab some carrots. As I was grabbing bag after bag and piling them on my arm. I heard a man saying, Maamm, we have 3 lb. bags of carrots over here. So I looked to my left and he was smiling at me. I realized how I looked it was funny. I bought the carrots and jumped in the car. I felt alot better about going to the farm. The temp was about 35 degrees and I actually saw the sun come out. There were breezes but not windy like yesterday.
Had a moment w/ Duke.  He looked at me several times straight in the eye after our ride. Duke is Patient w/me

When I pulled in there were no cars really. I saw only a couple horses, Duke, Booger, Hershey only 5 saddled up. I looked to the barn and there was Sheila, Anja, Kanti and Sarah. I yelled YAAAA!!!. The were pretty happy to see me. I ran over with my big snowman bag and started to hand out the gingerbread horses, people and reindeer. They were so happy to see me. I ran into the office with Bob and gave him his goodie bag and left 2 for Bobby and Cassie. They said that Duke was ready to go. Duke was acting funny at the ramp, like I was a push over. He wanted Winston to go in the front and he waited for him to pull forward. The girls asked me to take the reins and give Duke a little whip. I didnt get it going.

We got on the trail and I was worried that Duke was going to be slow today. I was a goof. Totally wrong. He tripped on some rocks and acted a little tired. Sarah got behind me with Duke. I think that Sarah is watching me to make sure that Im going to be ok during the cantors. OK the surprise is, Anja and Sarah said at the first stretch that we will probably be doing some cantors today.
[CANTER:  My description of a cantor, Well to me a cantor is moments that the horses can pick up speed in the trot to achieve a faster, smooother 3 step run, that is more air, less hoofs on the ground. I feel a leaping feeling.) Sometimes I feel that the trot gets higher and higher just before the feeling of lift. I feel the feeling of flight that I get from lifting off on an airplane and also the moments during a roller coaster ride.  The difference is that am working together with a living animal to directly experience and control the activity.]

When Duke begins to go from the trot to a cantor, he's gives me a smooth lunge and then suddenly I feel like hes leaping through the air like a ballet dancer, lightness on his feet and smooth long, powerful movements that seem natural. When I read what a cantor is it said it was not as natural as I thought it was.
 Anyway, we cantered about 4 times. The first try was trotty for me. Then we picked up the speed and Duke understood that he was going to get to be speedy today. Then the 3 and 4th cantors was perfect. The 3nrd canter near the lake was the most powerful, interesting in the terrain and also I had the most control of how Duke was doing with me.  Anja said that when he was running up the hill we looked beautiful. I felt it too. We finished up the ride. Sarah was so happy about riding Hershey today. She loved that he cantored with her and that she had figured out that he didnt buck he just moved his wait in a way that was misunderstood. He was beautiful.
Kanti, Duke and I on our Christmas 2012 trail ride

Kanti was riding Booger today and she was completely happy. She smiled so wide each time I looked back at her.  She said he cantered perfectly.

I believe this guys name if either Max of Sam. He was sweet.
 I was able to spend a little time with Sheila in the office with Bobby. I told them that they made a huge difference in my life. I hugged Bob and Sheila. I asked Bobby before the ride if for xmas gift to me, could I feed the new horse that was in the shed away from the other horses. I know he was on a farm that was being auctioned and was going to be put down. My heart aches for him because he wasnt cared for fairly. In my heart Id like to sponsor him and take care of him. I know that it may be too much for me. Anyway, I met him and fed him carrots.  He loved them so much. Sheila took me over in the ATV and we got out and talked to him. I petted his mane and spoke to him. He was a sweet guy with a blind eye. I Hope he is treated fairly. This business of horses is too much for me. My heart was touched and the whole days experience made me feel emotional and fortunate to have a farm family that I can spend time with. These guys give back to me. Its one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever had. Ill post some pictures soon. Oh I fed all the animals in the farm carrots, the sheep, the mini horses, the goats, and especially Pedro and the old horse that is not feeling very good. I was an amazing experience. I feel so much better as a person. I want to do more. Just saying.
[What if I could adopt him and learn how to take care of him at the farm? Is that a good idea?  Could I help out with him?]
While I was driving home from the farm, I realized how important the people at the farm and the experiences we have are to me.  The guides, Bob, Bobby, the horses, Kanti, Sheila, Sarah, Anja all of the people are so wonderful.  The horses are like sweet hard working spirits that are so wise.  On the ride, the girls, Sarah, Kanti Anja all encourage me to cantor. I wouldnt even try something like this in my life wtihout such an amazing support system. Its like some sort of power they give me. Its a special time of the year.  It was just us on the ride and then the others in the ride gave me such confidance to cantor on the trails.   As I walked into Dunkin Donuts I had a feeling like never before.  I feel as though I was learning something as important as flying, swimming, some skill that will experience knowledge and it takes encouragement from others to make me have such confidance.  The way that Sarah gets behind my horse to help me in the case the horse needs extra help or I get in trouble.  She would be right there to help me.  St said that I should be careful with the younger women that can ride and that i was being too confidant.

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