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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oreo, Foxxy, Kanti, Olivia and Cassie

These two were so cute today, naaayed very lowly.

Little confusing today for the ride but it worked out.  I called in for a ride at noon because Kanti messaged me on facebook and said, "lets ride".  When I called Bobby said ride was full.  Can I do an 11am.  Well I said yes and I just couldnt get there.  I headed out but by the teim I got gas and was near it was just too late.  I called Bobby and rescheduled for 1pm and decided to go to Kohls.
Figured if I go to Kohls I can get a couple shirts for Joanne for xmas.  I went to Kohls today and aw that Bobs Mom would like some of the more casual shirts for her to wear to work, anyway.
I got to Bobbys and Kanti was just realizing that the 12 ride was full and we needed to go at 1pm.

 She went and got her tree during the wait and I talked to Bobby about his Dad and how hes selling his house in Winchenton and building a log cabin on the property at the Ranch.  Wow that was gsreat.
Today I rode Oreo.  Hes a sweetie.  He's a little bumpy but Im totally cool with that fact.  He helps me keep my form.The sky was bright,  about 40 degrees, I wore gloves no hat.
There was a couple of men so I didnt get Duke but Cassie asked me if I minded. I was happy with Oreo.

The ride had plenty of trots.  The people in the front seemed to not know what there were doing.  It was a mom, dad and a son.  They were happy enough, but Kanti and I were happier.
Oreo was getting alot of love from me while we walked.  He kept up and when he begins to trot is very exciting.  He jumps up into the trot and is bumpy but I like to work on my form and keep my signals to him.  Each time he tried to slow down if I kept after him he actually sped up.  I was totally proud.  If he was trying to stop and it was still time to trot he would gladly jump back up and starting up and keep the pace with the group.  I loved my ride today.  What a pretty little horse with a sweet little ride.

Duke jumped up on the human wooden trail and had to be lead out to the lake by Olivia. We did a nice trot on the lake, one by the bridge one at the begginning and the one at the straight away at the first stretch.  So (1) first trot by the opening, (2) second one at the stretch with the turn, (3) third one after the wooden bridge and the (4) fourth one before the bridge. There was a slim coat of ice on 1/2 of the lake.  It was beautiful today with resting curled up geese floating peacefully in groups on the lake.  They didnt make a peep.  Just resting from the flight I imagine.

Kanti and I talked the whole time.  We went up a very steep hill at the end of the ride up the steep hill before the boarder barns.The people in front of me stopped and it made it hard for our horses to keep momentum to go up the hill.

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