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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Huge Sunday 9am Ride - Hershey

Jumped out of bed to make sure I was able to get in the 9am today. Kanti rode yesterday and she was riding today too.  The other's said they would ride today too.  When I got there they were tacking every horse.  Looks like Bob overbooked and they even sent some people home that had maybe had booked yesterday by accident.  I was thinking I shouldnt have gone on the 9am because it may have been too much.  Well even Sheila was on the ride.  There were lots of people.  5 people were going on a 2 hour with Sandy and Cathy.  I know Kanti wanted to split off with them,  I did too. But we stayed with the 1 hour ride, it was worth it. As we went down the muddy woods I could see the 2 hour with Cathy cantering on the straight away below us in the woods. Sheila was on Mariah and Mariah wanted to go on the fast ride too.  Amanda with us was on Blueberry in front of me.

The ride split up and Cassie was leading.  Hershey, was great on our first trot. It had been so long since  I had ridden with Hershey.  There was a lady in front of me on Oreo.  When she slowed down on the first trot in the sand, Amanda came up and made sure that the lady had a good ride.  Amanda behind me said I was riding good.  It was a nice ride.  Cassie made the last two trots especially around the lake very long.  There was a daughter and mother behind me that Kanti was talking with for the ride. They seemed to enjoy themselves and then went on the next ride.  I think that they may have been interested in a horse of their own.  It was a great ride.  Bob was with people talking. The huge ride was a really nice one. We had 4 trots and the group was a great one. It could have been one of the nicest days too. There were no bugs and when I got there it was even cooler than it has been in a couple months. I didnt see Tommy but maybe sometime soon he will come riding again or even buy a horse.

Smokey is still not feeling too good.  He was sold and the people trimmed his hoofs and it injured him. Also he may be feeling a little ill.  Hes getting better now too, Bob Said.

Great day, ended with a sweet tea, got gas, visited the Nagog Farm Stand got some Peaches, Tomatoes and sugar plums.  All before it got late.

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