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Sunday, September 15, 2013

9am finally with the Girls, Duke, Kanti, Barb, Foxie, Cassie and Amanda.

It may be considered the nicest day.  The temp was about 50 this morning. I dressed warm but I didnt need it.  Barb was waiting on the chairs and I could hear Kanti's voice in the barn.  When I was driving in I saw Tulsa in the outside field, away from the other hroses.  I felt worried.  Was she sick too.  Later I spoke with the newer girls and they said that Cash, Tango were in a separated field with Tabo.  But I heard that their fever went down and Tabu's sores were opening.  I feel so sad for the horses when they dont feel well.  Its not fair.

Cassie signed me in.  The girls were talking about how difficult the last week and this week were with so much busniess and not as many guides to do all the work.  I felt for the girls.
This morning was amazing.

They had Duke ready for me and Barb told me exciting stories on the ride about riding in Hollywood Hills.  She sent me an article she wrote about her rides there.  It was very interesting. She said she was a writer.  We told stories and the ride was nice.

Barb on Foxie, I had a nice ride with her at the end of the line
Duke did a good job listening to me.   I had carrots and was ready to ride. We had a young girl on the ride if we hadnt I think it would have been a 9am cantor.  We had some trots.  One of the finest ones is the up the hill around the corner and down by the lake up the hill.  its the nicest trot.  I loved being on Duke.  He is so sweet, he listned to me and also trotted a bit to pick up the space in the line just by me asking.   I was again proud of him.

Beautiful lights coming through the trees
We had a lovely ride and the young woman did good, Cassie have her lots of information to help her do an advanced ride.  Next week Im coming at 9am  Kanti says her sister will be in town and I might be able to meet her.  I cant wait.

At the end of the ride, everyone was saddling up for the next bunch of people and I was just standing at the fence watching all the interaction of the horses and guides.  I enjoy it so much.  It quieted down and I had a great opportunity to give Duke the carrots he deserved.  All I had to do was call his name and he turned around by my voice.  I was able to give him carrots.  It was so satisfying to let him know how much I love him.  I was unaware but Sarah was watching me as she and the other riders were coming in, she said, "I see you giving Duke treats".  I was caught.  Glad I was able to treat him.
Later I gave out carrots to Domino, the minis, the little donkeys, Sargent, Winston.  I was scared to give Tango, Cash and Tabu any because I was worried they may be sick and not have any food that could ulpset them.  I stayed around and loved the animals and left for the day.  Its so hard to leave the farm each weekend.  Next week will be great Im sure.

Again so much filtered light coming through the trees

Beautiful Duke

Havent seen Smokey on a ride since last June or May.  Wow this is great to have him back, with Sarah.

Figaro walking down the road

The two little donkeys came over to the back of the fence where I was givig out carrot to Sargeant, and got some too.

Winston and Sargeant snacking on carrots

Tabu sitting in the field, hope she is feeling better.

Cash and Tango


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