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Monday, September 30, 2013

All the ride full Ceclia had said come down. . . I got Domino

She said they were full But if I wanted to come down and hang out, she thought I could maybe take a chance to get in on the 2pm.  She said some people may be a no show so its worth a shot.  Well I was at Bourne all day and had a big breakfast after a rocky sleep in the camper.  I couldnt wait to drive back with Raychel and see about a trail ride.  The day was fully booked. I sort of hate that but it means good money for the farm.
Bobby is in Lahey with a terrible heart problem. I need to make sure I keep coming and help pay for my horses.  I was very stressed that Bob is not well.  He's the rock around there that keeps us all coming back.   They said he's been having heart attacks and didnt even know it.  He has a triple bi-pas scheduled for Tuesday (tomorrow).  All of my horse family is worried.
Anyway I got to get in on a ride because 4 people were no shows.
I was happy.  the ride was big.  All the riders were saddle except me and a man.  There were 4 people from Sweden and this family plus tons of other people.  Danny asked me who I wanted to ride. I became silent. The man next to me was about my height, maybe this was the day to ask for Domino.  Sure they suggested Hershey Blue and I asked about Dom and he was ready and wilinng.  Getting on him reminded me that he was way bigger than Hersh.
Well the ride was nice enough.  The sweden girls were behind me and they were happy.  The man was with his daughter and she was fresh.  She was on Cedric and she kept going out of line passing and showing off for her father.  It was annoying.  She was a young girl but still.  The Swedish women were very nice.  I had asked behind me if they had a nice ride after we had made some progress and we were on the long stretch, they mentioned they wanted to cantor. I had said on the more advanced rides and the 2 hour there was opportunity.

 Also I had mentioned leasing.  I asked Danny to talk to them more about barns in the area.  She had lots more expereice than I did.  Anyway the ride was unique because the lead was a new woman who was riding Blue.  She was heave set and she didnt trot were the horses were used to it. She actually trotted on a path on the way back from the up hill cut back (that I dont like) on the way passing where we first enter the lake area.  I was so suprised.  Well the ride was good.  The man in front of me seemed happy but I think his daughter was a show off imature.  The women behind me from Sweden were fully qualified but kept to the guide's direction about the trail ride.  I liked them. They were from Winchester, very lovely and considerate. I hope they find a barn they like or come back in the mornings with Kanti, Barb and Cathy for rides.
I loved all the animals.  Where I arrived at the Barn there were about 5 nuns getting off the horses.  It was cool.  I can upload pics later.

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