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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Great Ride with just Sarah, Hersh & Duke

It was listed as a rain day but it didnt start until after noon.  It was about 38-40 degrees today.  Poor Kanti's husband was feeling pretty sick so Kanti stayed how with him.  I figured Id go over and pay my lease and see what was happening. If no one was going out it would be ok for me to spoil Duke a little.  Well when I got there everyone was in the tack room.  Lexie and her mom just have gone out earlier they were grooming Blue and I think another horse I cant remember. 

They are friendly but I think they are alittle aloof.  Well I was looking to pay for the lease with Bob.  Sandi was sitting with Sarah in the back.  Thank god I thought.  They were all talking and Sarah after a few minutes said, We have a 12 ride with 5 people.  I would have waited but . . . Sarah said she was going to go out on the trail with me.  I was so excited.  We went out and had a very nice ride.  She said the trails were icey.  She was able to take some of the off trails and we went around the lake by the wooden walk bridge then doubled back.  The trails were icey in the middle but soft on the edges.  As we went out on the ride, at the back of the farm. Then we went around the corner where the snow was soft.  We went out on the straight away and we had a trot on the soft snow. Hershey and Duke were both very happy to pick it up.  Later, Sarah asked me if I wanted to jump.  Well I do but I didnt say anything.  I hope that we can go back soon for a ride. It was an amazing ride and the 12 noon group did not show up. Thank goodness she took me out.  Im very happy about it.
On another few notes.  Tulsa looks bad, seems as though Smokey kicked her hard and she may have a fractured leg.  Im very upset at how she looks.  I dont think she gets enough care, she's sensitive.
The Bird Count for 2013 new year, people were on the farm counting.  It was great because the wild turkeys were all hanging around and it kept them very happy.
Also Val was there with Tonto, it was nice to see her and Tonto looks so much better.  Also there was a nice lady who is leasing Apache.  She was very nice, she went out riding by her self, I was admiring her and she seemed like a good person.  Looking forward to seeing her again.

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