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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Two Rides, Hershey, Duke Kanti and Sarah Wow its great to be with Duke

What a day.  I was wondering if I would ride at all.  Headed over and I had some chocolate chip cookies and a nice Xmas card for Bob with Santa on it.  I waltzed into the office and told Bob that I seen Duke was here and i want to put him under agreement.  He said that he was just talking to the man today and that they were coming today to get Duke. I said that I couldn't see how he could sell him.  That I had him under agreement and the people didn't come.  They should be told that he wasn't available. While I was talking to him he was smiling while I was trying to be serious.  Well, he said that he and the girls had agreed that selling Duke was a bad idea and that they should sell a horse that is difficult not Duke. Duke was a strong horse that held a lot of responsibility for the farm.  He had already decided that he was keeping him.  I gave him the card.  Gave him and hug and jumped on Hershey for this ride.  It was a nice one.  They said that Hershey was not ridden in a while and had to make sure that he was comfortable on the trail.   I had a great ride.  The little girl named evie that is handicapped was connected tethered to Sandi and he whole family was there Mom, Dad, Uncle and even grandfather was on the ride.  It was a short loop.  We got back late too.  When we got back, they asked me if I was going out again.  I gave Hershey his carrots, a huge one.  Then I gave Duke some love, carrots then I walked away.  Sarah said, Your horse wants you.  I saw Duke was waiting at the fence.  It was a special moment of rme.  He wanted me to come back and ride him.  So as it was, I did. I came back and was able to ride Duke.  As we went up the hill, Sarah said that Hershey was making horse sounds back at the farm.  He sure was he was loud and proud across the field.  He was so cute.

As we rode in, we could hear some shots. Again Sarah said there were hunters in the woods again.
She told me a story that last week hunters came shooting across their path.  The buck jumped over first and then the hunters came running out at the ride.  Cassie was so mad.  She told them off.  I wonder what the heck they are thinking having gun shots across the ride. Crazy.  It was an amazing day I was cold and it did end up raining but I was cold at the end of the day.  What a day. Thank god for Sarah and Kanti, well and Bob too.

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