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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cold strange day at the farm - Time with Duke

Called ahead this morning, it was so cold.  I could tell by the tone of Bobs voice on the phone that things were a little different today.  I received a text from Kanti that Sheila has left the farm.  It made me feel sad inside and out.  I know she was feeling uncomfortable lately and getting lots of stress while she was working from Bob.  I wish it hadn't happened but things change sometimes not for the better.  I began to hope I did the right thing with the  lease.  I wouldn't miss one of my last times to see Duke.  Texted Kanti to see about our plan, she said she hadn't set up anything yet.  I called in and let Bob know we wanted to ride for 10am.  It was barely 40 degrees maybe colder with the wind and the gusts. The sun was peeking so we may be ok.  There was a large group that came in a van with an older woman.  It was an interesting bunch of young people maybe in their early 20s.  Cassie has her hands full with this change so I was there to help but I don't know what Im doing.  Kanti knows.  Bob on the phone said that I need get there and get my horse ready.  Wow the responsibility on Sarah and her value will be recognized soon.  She has actually had some challenges with working.  It isn't easy to be responsible for all the people and horses.
Well Kanti was talking with Cathy while she administered some medicine to Tabu.  I know that people had a trust for Sheila that is important to maintain.  Anyway we were going out on this ride.  I had requested Duke and was happy to get going.  He had gone on the ride with the girl with the dark hat and long hair's mother before me.  I know that Duke is for sale but he wasn't himself on the ride. A couple times he had walked on the soft edge but during the trot he was skipping steps to take the weight off his foot.  After I told Cassie I wanted to walk him back to the farm.  She said it would be ok.  I was truly uncomfortable but still took care to keep me safe.  I love him for that way he is on rides.  Anyway I couldn't wait for the ride to be over because it was getting too difficult for him especially going top the hill before the barn.  I was getting worried. The woman in front of me was asking lots of questions about the farm and Kanti was talking with the young girl who is sad about her classes and how she wants to be a game developer.  The conversation was interesting but I wanted to get off the ride and get Duke in the barn to check his back hoof, (I thought).  Kanti didn't see any of the limping until the end of the ride.  I got off Duke and walked him directly over to the barn Kanti took his clip and attached him to the hook.  I gave him bites of carrots and then Cassie took a look at this right rear hoof.  She was  talking about a hoof test before Duke is sold.  I was a little worried.  Duke is a great horse and a little TLC would be nice.  I was not able to take too many pictures today of the ride but it was just as beautiful as any other.  It was the short ride that goes up past the lake then around back to the dry area and over the sand to the bridge, rail bed around the corner over the stream and up the hill to the barns.  I wanted to be off of Duke especially as he tried to make his way up the hill before the barn.
I brushed out Duke and then spoke with Bobby.  I noticed that the newer woman that is kinda creepy seemed almost jealous of my conversations with Bobby.  She is a strange woman and I am worried about her intentions.  Anyway I want to make sure that she is not near me.  I got a chance to brush out cedric too.  Freckles jumped when I was over by his stall to give him a carrot.  I hope they are ok.
I went into hang out with Bob in the office, nothing said about Sheila, I figure it is best that way.  Im sorry to have things be like that but young Bobby says he and Cassie will carry on.  Not sure about next spring but for this winter it may be ok.  I asked Bob what he was doing for Thanksgiving and he said he'd be there for the meal, doesn't want to leave the farm for any amount of time.  Just like Uncle Alfred, too responsible for too many things.

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