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Saturday, August 16, 2014

9am Domino was bringing up the rear of the ride

Beautiful weather, little cool in the 50s over night and high temp is 75 degrees.  When I got there today it was before 9am and Laurie and Kanti were working with the horses.  There was a huge trailer in the dirt parking area.  They had just unloaded the new horse.  He looks like Cash.  As he was kicking up his heels, I went into the barn and the horses were getting ready.  Apache was with Laurie and KatieD Honey was hanging out, and I think Chickie was at the end.  Bogie was in the back of the barn getting shoes.  We were last to get on and race out to the back of the ride.  Domino was very responsive to me as we rode today.  I loved it.  He jumped and went fast when I needed him too and he tried to stay away from snacking on the leaves.  I was pretty happy.  Sandi helped me get Domino ready.  At the end of the ride I decided not to dismount with Domino.  He is so large.  
I believe there is so much going on at the ranch that sometimes it may get stressful for everyone.  I did bring some chocolates for Bob's Birthday.  I hope he is feeling cheerier soon.
The ride was a nice one.  Laurie went off with Cathy and Sandy.  They have been riding each weekend to get ready for a Wyomging trip that they will be leaving on soon.  They need to be very sharp for the cowboy style week they enjoy when they take vacations.  I love to ride with them sometimes but I know they are a quick riding couple.  I have learned quite a bit from them.
Kanti and I were able to catch up and I also was able to talk with Theresa and let her know I was happy

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