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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Interesting morning with Blue, Amanda

Great ride today.  It was so many people wanting to go for the 9am that I was wondering if I would get on the 9am.  Kanit called me over I was at the bathroom.  She said that they had picked out Blue for me.  I miss riding Duke, but Blue is a fabulous horse.  I trust him and he is a good boy.  Later after the split Amanda and I went with one of the ladies that was requesting a 2 hour ride.  It was strange that so many people wanted to go out on a 2 hour ride when Cathy was not working.
The guides decided that the ride would be an hour and return and then another hour.  It is their call, Safety First!

Later during the ride, I was a became annoyed with all the comments telling me how I should be riding Blue and also riding up on him while we were in motion.   Not a safe idea.  Thank goodness I was riding Blue and Amanda was the Guide.  They were both Great! Blue is a super hero with not cantering when I asked.  He isn't lazy, he knew the saddle was too loose.  Im so proud of him.  I appreciate guides and people like Kanti on the trail who are experienced riders.  Some people are very generous on telling you what you are doing wrong.  I am not accustomed to on our rides.

We tried about 4 times to get Blue info a canter.   The woman in front of me was on tulsa, she was very nice.  When we came to the 4 try to canter and we went up the steep hill my saddle slipped over to the left and then the right.  I could feel the looseness.  I called to Amanda to let her know.  When I asked Lexie if she saw the loose saddle she said, it wasn't loose.  She will gain experience with her volunteering over time.
Amanda when we got back to the farm saw how loose it really was and we both agreed why Blue would not try to canter after he felt the saddle slip.
I am so glad Amanda is such an experienced guide and rider.

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