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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Made it to 20+ degrees Replacement Halter for Duke, Quality on the Ground time

Coming into the Farm

Again after the blizzard I needed to make sure that things were going ok.  I had missed the ride that went out and they all were getting ready to leave.  I don't particularly like to get out in the early cold so I know how to take care of myself in the winter.  I don't like the teens with wind for keeping healthy.  I got there and everyone was leaving.  They said that KAnti had also made it to the farm.  Oh well.  I liked that they were gone.  Sarah and Sandi were at the boarder barn cleaning up some stalls.  I went over land got Duke.  He's getting so good at listening and coming over when I call him. Im feeling proud he's recognizing that I will be getting him.  He has a good amount of weight on hm. 
I brought him into the barn alone and started to brush him out and settle him.  He still is acting up while I am getting him brushed out.  I poke him in the mouth like Theresa said but I am worried that his a little fresh.  After a while  I brought him down the rail to where Bobby shoes so he doesn't kick the shelf so much.
Well I had a lot of fun with him and I stayed for a couple of hours, one-on-one time with Duke.  There has been so much riding for 4 years and there has been so little not eh ground time with him.  Its been perfect to come in the afternoons and a lot of the time I am practically by my self, alone with Duke.  I have enjoyed it very much.  I like the barn empty and he relaxing at the rail on his own.
I had some fun when I was getting his new halter on .  The ring was empty so I thought it may be a little challenging to get his halter on because I don't have him by the lead line and he could walk away.  I went to the front gate of the ring. walked him in and then began to take off the halter that his too small that was his replacement and put on the new large, adjustable, break-away halter.  As I unhooked him from his old halter I walked over to get his new halter and he slowly walked over to the back gate and walked right out. I didn't even know it was pulled away so that is was completely open.  So funny.  Anyway I walked him around a bit in the ring and he liked the soft dirt on his hoofs.  I started to realize that he missed the dirt and the nice soft snow.  Because he moves around so much when I am working with him, I asked Diane at work and she said that he may be bored.  He's not been getting out.  So the next week I would walk him around the entered farm a few time and get him thinking.  Around 4pm I left the farm.  I had been there about 3 hours.  Works for me.  Nice afternoon.

Small halter

New Halter - Red

 Sarah With Berry

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