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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Needed to visit the barn and make sure Duke is ok

Walking down the hill from the back trail gate with my sweetheart
Stunning Swow Horse
Just thought Id be an hour.  The tempatured in the morning with -9.  But when I went to the farm it was at least 20 degrees, no wind either.  Theresa, Bob, Bobby, Amanda were working.   Cathy was with Taboo, Laurie with Apache, Bryce with Shawnie,  and Kellie was just talking.  The forecast for tonight tis for blizzard winds 35-50 and 12-16 inches, again.  Its getting crazy.  During my time at the farm it started snowing so I had to get out of there quickly.  I was going to stay for any hour, looks like I stayed for 2 hours.  Oh well.
Cassie had just got here and they were all talking.  I quickly saw  Fletcher and he tossed himself on the ground and waited to get belly rubs.  It worked out.  I knew I didn't have much time so I gave Cassie a hug and tried to keep my focus on getting Duke and going for a walk.  Without acting like a total snob but I have things to do.  Checked on Fletcher, he's was needed a belly rub, 
Cassie Joey and Cam visiting the family, Berry and  farm today

The Big Boys were ready to go out when I got Duke

Need to go get Duke.  As I walked out to the corral, he wa sin the back.  Apache and Laurie were on the rail and everyone else was just in the barn.
I grabbed Duke, his lead line and headed out to the boarder barn. STraigh away.  He got snarly when the dumb jerky new dog barked and jumped to act like he could attack.  He almost seemed as though he didn't want to continue past him. He saw that I was calming and reassuring. I also told the dog his was a jerk and My horse could stomp him.  I think Duke could totally.  I tought he may be happier at first to walk to the boarder barn.

Tank stepped up to the fence today when we passed

Once I got him past the boarder river bridge he was good. Before that he acted like he wanted to go back. I had to do alike a donkey pull on him.  Once past the 1/2 part on the field his pace picked up and we had fun. Id like to have us walk fast in the future.  I stopped him a few times to take pics.  He's getting better.  We walked quickly up th shill and he turned on a dime on the top of both hills.  He also listened when we took the pics.  I think he's getting better.

Duke while grooming gives me a hug 

While Duke was in the barn Duke did the cutest thing, he while I was brushing him started to rub his head on me.  I was so delighted. He's acted like he was hugging me.  He has a nibbling at my arm.  Im pretty sure he hugged me.  I felt so good all day.  I am going to continue to spend time with him On-the-Ground.

Today, Cathy made a point to come over to Duke and I and ask how things were going.  She commented on me brining him around the farm and how people used to say to her that she was cooky.  I told her that Kellie actually says funny comments about my walking around.  Its even funnier she asked later if she could walk with me.  Funny.
Im not worried.  Ill keep getting my quiet time with him out at the Paddock and on our walks this winter.  He is toughening up too with the dog that is aggressive.  Im not worried that I haven't ridden him in a while.  I have a feeling that our next ride with be kinda special.  I can't wait!

Out with Duke around the Farm, On the Ground

He's getting better at standing still

Here Duke is giving one of the Boarder Horses a look

Great Boy and he's been listening pretty good

Sweet Yogi

This is a nice view walking back

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