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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Happy. Spring Ride, 42 degrees, first ride since Jan 2

So great to be with Duke today.  Warm I was so happy Duke was in an amazing mood. So funny he had me laughing smiling.  I I was so delighted to be with him. I got there plenty early so I can brush him out and feel that feeling when he sees me and feels me and knows I care about how he is feeling.
I loved being with Duke today.  He was so funny.  When I went to get him Kanti and Laurie wanted to come.  I don't need to walk with others.  Duke works with me alone so much better than with other horses.  I don't think he likes some other horses and he has his favorite.  It will be nice to start riding on Wednesday's with Michelle so that he can be with either Blue, Hershey or what I would like is Domino.  He was so stubborn today.  He didn't ever stop and pull on me when we are along. Today I think he was performing almost for Laurie and for Kanti.  I asked them not to wait because he seemed to be enjoying them waiting.  The field was so flooded with mud and with deep water.  When Laurie left the field he went along just fine.  Just like normal days he was fine.  I thought the heels to the side would help out.  It didn't today.  I had to redirect him.   Laurie said that she had also had some issues with Apache not coming along and she had redirected him.  She uses the whip now.  I am not comfortable with that for Duke.  He had such a nice disposition today.  He was happy to see me and when I put the saddle on him he was excited.  He loved how much I was brushing him.  He was patient with me.  I was able to give him his bit so easily.  Duke helps me get his bridle on.  Im lucky he's my trail partner.  We are Partners and its working out so well of rme and for him.  Im very proud.

Today I was one of the first ones ready but instead of rushing everyone I took Duke for a walk alone down by the Boarder horses.  We walked on the solid high snow. Duke loves the snow when its packed and w can walk on it.   I was happy to spend some additional time on the ground.  We walked around toward the hill that goes down into the lower field before the trail that returns to the barn.  As we walked down the trail he stopped where he alway does to pull and not go.  I had my patience going and waited.  Retireded him and we eventually started walking quickly until we made it back to the barn.  Today before tacking him up, Bob recommended that I just use a lead line and gently wrap it and then I ca tack him outside.  Like that so I brought the saddle back outside with the rest of the gear.  He kept straight and on the rail while I tacked him.  I felt proud.  He does like to play with me while I brush him and brush me back.
He was so playful.  When untacking him, he actually took my hat off in his mouth and played with me.   I think he is so funny.  I hugged and kissed him a bunch of times.  It was a great day for us.  I didn't want to leave for a long time.
So I went in and spoke with Bob about my reins and also with Lexie, she was not going out with us because Theresa asked her to work with the little horse in the ring.  He had been acting p a bit.  I was proud of her for helping with the actual training of the trail horses.
When I got back out everyone was on the horse except me.  I went over with Amy and jumped on Duke with my new stirrups.  I Like them.  I had the right boots on. I had considered putting on the roping stirrups but maybe I will later.  Today I thought a lot about Sarah and how much I love to ride with her in the winter.  I miss her each time I come to the barn.  She was so helpful and sweet.  I know its the best for her though.  She needs a place where she can grow and that helps her learn.  I know she'll find it.
Anywas we went out the back way and saw the little deer family again over by the trail near the boarder barn.  it was nice.  We went on the trail til we got to the bridge and then the straight away.  Duke was good in the snow, I feel he had an attitude that he wanted to walk and eventually I think he wanted to run in the snow.  So cute.  Anyway we went down the straight away for a while and then hung a left to go up the trail.  We needed to turn around because the snow was too much.  The little ones were sinking.  The smaller horses turned but Duke was not very happy turning in the small space.  He turned but needed space.  He ended up leading the whole way home.  He is not usually a leader and I am trying to give him more opportunities to ride int he lead so he is not hesitant.  I was proud today, he lead the whole way home.
After we got back I see that he was comfortable listening to me tell him where I would dismount.  We went in the area on the left of the corral area and I dismounted.
The rest of the day was very nice. I took Duke to the outer rail near the ramp we use to mount and gave him a pail with his snacks.  He very happily follows me to my car for snacks at the end of his work with me.  Today was not different.  He was a good boy int he parking lot.  The stirups worked out pretty good once I got my feet into them. I spend the rest of the time away from everyone else brushing out his tail. Making it soft.  He was so good.  He behaved so good being away form everyone else.  I like being alone with him.  He focuses on being with me.
Today I felt like we understood we were partners on the trails.  He seemed to be coming along.  I love that I was with him and he was so funny.  He took my hat off and threw it.  He is a nice personality. He is not mean or grumpy.  I like that he is fun, funny and sweet.  He's big and pushy but I am patient and willing to learn with him.  Im so excited about being his friend!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday working on the ground, on his tail and Playing

Sunday, in the afternoon we need to be in NH but I feel like I can get the cake, hang with Duke, shower and get home in time to leave before 1pm.  It was close, we left at 1:08-ish.
I was so happy to get to the farm.  Yesterday it was still snowing and felt cold.  We got about 3+ inches and I just don't feel like driving around in the snow or slippery.  By the afternoon it was sunny.
Today was Sunday, after last Sunday I prayed that the farm has everyone yesterday instead of today.  I just want some quiet-time with Duke.  It worked.

Kanti was driving out of the farm with her little dog.  She said the girls had brushed out Duke this morning and he was back in the field.  I was surprised.  Kanti said she brushed him and Boogie.  So cute.  Amanda was working in the ring with Stetson.  I wished that those guys liked him more.  He's the farm bad boy.
When I got there Kanti was driving out of the farm in her car.  It was nice. I think that Laurie had met her and they hung out with the horses.  I have been enjoying being alone with Duke.  He was perfect today when I was taking care of him.  His tail is so nice clean and silky.  Each week I love to work with him on stuff.
This week I went to Tractor Supply and bought some very nice things.  Some oil for the latino, a New Ball,  pan for snacks, Showsheen, Apple crunch snacks, Jerky Snacks for Fletcher, and a very nice brush for his tail.  It was great I was able to brush through his tail with it and sprayed with the Showsheen and the Cowboy Magic Green remover.

Duchess and Stetson

Bobby was in the ring with Duchess today.  Amanda was working with Stetson.  She was so sweet but they both tried to charge the fence so Bobby put the electric on.  I went into the tack room and Bobby Amanda and Theresa were talking. Suddenly Stetson went running by then behind him Duchess, to charge the gate.  So cute but that is when Bobby put the power inot the gate.

In the field

Popped out to the field.  Gave it the Duke Call, he was at th end of the field with the small horse, Tulsa, Bogie, Duke, DominoTeddy were all champion away on hay.  It looked fun.  I got there bu ton the way, Blue gave me the love he always does give me.  I think he is an amazing horses.  Just staying.  Duke was his self waiting for me to attache the lead line on him.  HE eventually pulled way from eating and we walked the entire circle of the plowed trail.  It was mostly snow until I got on the other side.   Duke was able to stand on the snow and it didn't not crunch down.  He's got to way 2000 lbs and he's feet did not sink.  I was pretty impressed with the strength the snow.  We walked back to the gate. Duke showed me an easier path that had less ice so we went his path to the gate.  We walked through and down the road.  I love to walk with him.

Walking on the Road

Clean Tail

Free In the Ring

In the ring after brushing him out and getting the snarls out of this tail.  He was the best ever with me working on his tail. very well behaved I was so proud.  He didn't kick but  I know he wanted snacks.  He I believe understands that if he does good he gets snacks on the way back to the herd.  He gets it.
I let him in the ring completely free.  He felt the freedom he's walked around and I let him mosey around.

New Ball

 I then got the ball and he smelt it.  HE was going to bite it.  I thought it looked like he has played with a horse ball before.  The little mini Potatoe I think his name is came over too and played with the ball.  Duke and he sort of nudged it.  At the end of the day I gave Theresa the ball and let her know if she wanted to play with it later Id love it.

Back to the Herd, Good Boy