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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tacked Duke, we hadn't ridden since early Jan 2015

Today I went to there barn and it seemed somewhat calm.  Brought my lead line and went into the barn.  It was about 40 degrees finally.  It was raining but I didn't seem worried about it.  Yesterday it was so cold raining.  Friday was warm and sunny.  Today raining but tolerable.  I wore my leather hat it helped out a lot.
I was there and Laurie was with Apache, Katie was working on a horse, Amanda was talking and April was sitting queitly a the end. I talked a little then went out to the herd and got Duke.  Walking out to the herd I realized they were spread all over the place.  I walked out with them and talked to all of them.  The gate is rigged so strange into the back field.  The snow was packed down and I was walking trying to get Duke to recognize my voice and respond.  He was busy eating like he always is on weekends.

After trying to clean him up, I went and got the Cowboy Magic and Showsheen and brushed and brushed. I had him down at the end.  I like to be alone I think with him.  That way no one talks to me while I am working with Duke.  As people went by I had to be careful because I was working on Duke's tail and I want to be safe behind him.  He was at first moving around for attention and then he became very careful with April next to him.  She sat patiently she is a sweet horse.

I was reluctant because he is not as comfortable with me and in the ring.  Some horses are better than others.  I got his tack and took my time getting him all tacked up.  He was excited to be tacked.  I was so worried about putting his bit in and placing his headstall on.  It has been months since I did this and I want to be able to do this alone.  Duke and I working it out.

He practically for put the bit in himself.    It took like 2 seconds.  He is very patient with me.
While riding in the ring today, I am giving him the wrong signals but he still tries to help me out.  I think I really would like lessons.  The English lessons from Sheila would be great.  I miss Sarah so much.

Honestly it was too muchin the ring today.  Amanda, Bryce, Amy, Laurie, Lexie Cathy myself and Duke plus, Kellie was riding Hershey pretty hard.  Trying to canter him from a stand still.   It became so busy in the ring I hated it.  Hershey down the ring into a canter just for the fun of it is not a good thing for Duke.  He was wanting to be with him.  He doesn't like the ring much and he wants to hang out with Hershey.  If Amanda had been riding him instead it may have worked out so much better.

I decided after Kellie took Hershey in front of me while I was waiting to go down around for a trot that I needed to just get him to a once around trot and we would be good for today.  After Kellie was hopped up on Hershey seemed like she dismounted and I didn't see her for a while.  As we went around Duke came around the corner and just stood next to Hershey wishing he could play in the ring with him.  I understood.

Amanda asked if I wanted to ride behind her with Duke for at least once around the ring with Duke at a trot.   She knows that Duke and I are not that excited about the ring and that Duke was never a lead horse.  Just wants to follow his friends like Domino, Blue, or Hershey.   It worked out good. Then I dismounted.  Amanda dragged Duke over to the edge by his halter and I got off on the  I wasn't that happy with the boots and the new stirrups.  My regular riding boots would have been better.  My boots were stuck in the stirrups.  I think Ill put the new stirrups in next time.  After I got out of the ring, Cathy and Taboo slipped and fell.  Sometimes I think some of the dare devils in the ring would benefit from learning how to stop or be more careful around others.

I kept the saddle but only put off the reins and then took him for a great walk down to the boarder barn.  Duke is much better at the dog and then on the way back he was comfortable coming back on the dirt road area.  I was proud he is making such good progress on his walks.  Good Boy.

Duke on the walk along is doing great.  He only stops a little.  He walked down again and wanted to smell every little thing on the trail.  He walked with me all the way to the boarder barn.  On the way we saw 3 families of deer.  It made me miss riding with Duke in the woods.
I think the family of deer was not afraid even though I was talking to Duke the whole time.  They just looked over at me from the woods.  Staring, I think Duke let them know that we were just hanging.  I was talking didn't seem to bother them at all.  The first family was in the field when I came down the road, then they walked to the left.  Then the other family was in the middle of the field and they went up the hill together and the last one was at the barn eating the side door.  They watched me then went behind the barn and then met us on the other side  at the left side.  Then they ran in the woods.

After the deer family ran into the woods, I walked Duke into the woods a little into the snow.  He was so excited he started to walk faster.  I couldn't keep up so we had to go out of the snow and back to the wider road between the barns.
As we walked I was able to walk faster and faster and then Duke felt he could trot and we trotted in the snow, ice much and puddles back to the hill toward barn.  I was very happy.
Duke at the edge of the trails as we walked in after the deer family jumped away.  It was peaceful for us both
Strange end to the day.  I was going back into the barn. So many people in there.  As I was leading Duke in the back of Katie, she was brushing Wichita, I believe that Duke leaned a little to her and she could not see, I was in her blind spot.  She kicked me.  It hurt too. In the thigh.  You know I try and be so safe and then I get kieked.  It made me thing of Cassie.  It hurt Im elevating it now and I had iced it for a little bit.  I may be limping for a day.
Strange ending.  It was snowing as I left the barn, at times it was almost bright while it rained.  so funny.  I want to come on Wednesday and spend some time with Duke.  Give him a spa day.  Go in the ring and relax a little. Duke needs to be in front and feel comfortable in front.  Its going to take some time still.  But I have time.  :)

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