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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Temps in 20s, Duke trotting in the Snow Today

Great Walk with Duke So good running up the hill near the wreckage

Duke was so good today.  He was nice as I brushed him in the barn.  He wasn't too fresh and I loved that we were alone most of the time.  I am aways watching him and Domino and seeing just how cute they are together.  Seems like they really care for each other.  I have been thinking about how much I would ike Duke and Domino to work together and go trail rides.  As I get Duke each time it seems that Blue and Domino come tot he gate and Duke is slow to walk over. I was thinking with all the attention that Blue and Hershey get what about Domino.
Today I spend my time brushing with a softer brush Duke, he responded nicely to it.  Then we went out for our walk he only slowed a little bit at he usual places.  he barely hesitated at that barking dog. I was so glad, he's grown.  We walked down on the snow, he slipped a little and we went on the crunchy snow.  He loves crunchy snow.  Then we went over to the boarder barn, he was not upset at all.  We were able to see the beautiful deer in the woods.  He even stuck his nose into som of the mteal pieces.  I wasn't happy about his nosiness. We didn't walk up th road because I didn't want to walk on the pavement but I think we should have walked up there.  Maybe even went on the trails because I think he could do it.  The smaller horses couldnt.  Anyway I felt good about his progress.  He was good at being led and also listened to me when I asked him to stop with a Hoa and to walk.
I made sure that I was walked on the proper side.  He was amazing. When we went up the back way I proceeded past the wreckage.  he was spooky but didn't stop at all he only looked a little at the metal mangled.  He felt good about me leading him.  When we passed it a little we started to trot together up the hill.  I was proud.
I walked again back he was proud, Laurie asked if I minded company. She stopped to talk to some woman but I told her that I need to keep moving with Duke he is working iwht me and I don't want to talk.
I continued and Duke again stopped at those strange places.  He walked so well, he's amazing.  Sweet to me too.  It is better when we are alone so I will come again so we can be together rand focus on his progress.  I went in the deep snow again on the way back.  Duke loves it and I can keep up both Domoino and Duke poked me in the back playfully as we walked in the deep snow.  I feel loved by his poke.  After we went back up the hill ad I could see that Apache was bothered because of the horrible wreckage but Duke was loose iwht me on the lead line, he made me proud.  He's a good listener. As we walked by Laurie told how good Apache was doing.  Duke proved himself on the walk and made me proud by his focus on me.  it was great.  I also allow him to smell stuff and to explore.  I am interested in what he stops and inspects.  He's an interesting horse.
He was a good boy, I took him over to my car to get his snacks, he was deserving.  walked the long way back to the gate.  Domino was waiting.  Then I got Domino.

Brushed out and Walked with Duke today

Brushed out and Walked with Domino after it was great

Domino was so well behaved today.  When I got him at the gate. It took him a minute to understand that I was getting him.  it was great.  I brought him in with all his glory.  He snacked the hay on the ground first. Then I lead in into the barn and brushed him out for a long time.  Then I decided to take him for a walk.  I know he didn't have his winters but he's big guy.  I was nervous about how the dostupid new dog.   He didn't have any cam with the dog he must wanted to not be near him so he quickly walked by and gave him a dirty "shut up" look.  He slipped in the parking lot and he slipped on the path by the outside ring. But when I went to turn around he didn't want to .  When we got to the part where the boarder barn horses were grazing, domino became so excited that I was almost nervous.  I decided to not chance him falling or getting excited with me leading him.  Baby Steps he hardly knows me.  so I lead him into the deep snow and he was pretty excited to walk in it.  He also pushed at my back to move along in front of him.  I was so delighted I was talking to him as we were walking.  We walked back I grabbed some snacks and brought them back to him as he was chained up the rail.  He was such a good boy.  Then I brought him back to the herd.  He was pretty dam happy.  Duke was sitting waiting by the gate.  He really loves Domino and I think I will love him too.
I had an amazing day iwht those two guys.  I can see why some people like horses and animals more than people.

Then Duke and Domino hung out

Domino is back

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