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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Needing to work on his friends issue

Today was like a failure lined with a success that built an understanding.
The failure was that I couldn't get Duke to walk or move after the ride on my own for many many minutes. The success was when I moved him over to the outside ring but only after really getting after him to listen, and the in the ring I walked him by hand around the ring.  He constantly went for the grass.  He was like a teenager that you are trying to make do their homework.  He was totally looking for the grass.  Overtime I let him go he reach down for the grass.  He didn't walk along side me.  4 times around.  He seemed to start to like it.

Then I mounted him from the small stairs and and really got on him to go round the ring.  And then he did something he never did, he began to trot.  He went around with a terrible broken trot for me about 3 times.  The beautiful thing is, he made me so happy and I didn't even see that there was a terrible wall of water coming over the barn.  I looked as we rounded the edge of the ring and then quickly heard the loud sounds as it pelted the barn.  I was so happy I didn't even freak out that we were getting so wet.  My camera and phone got soaked.  I almost lost my phone it was so wet.  When I tried to call I coudlt hear anything.
Anyway that was my success and then the understanding is that Duke thinks he's still a trail horse.
I held him close a few times as I took off his saddle in the barn.  He was very happy and so wet.

Kelly was there and gave him some love.  Bryce was working on Shawnie's hurt leg.  She is a good mom for that sweet little horse.   Bryce loves her.

The ride before was very nice, the group split up with a little bit of trotting.  Duke was able to ride with Domino and the 3 younger women and the mom and the dad stayed with Anja and Winston for a walk ride.  It was pleasant.  Olivia makes me happy.  The area near the lake was strange. There were two cars parked way past the sand near the edge of the water.  Then we heard so much noise and dogs running wild.  Sargent owner took him out today and they seemed happy.  Sergeant made neighing sounds and Domino repeated a cool snarling type sound.  It was pretty cool. w avoided the lake area and that was disappointing but its ok we had a nice ride anyway.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Back to see my buddy, first time we rode alone, Duke was so excitable

Im so proud of my guy, spent an hour and a half just hugging him, then took a nice trail ride and then we went out together, behind the trail ride and Duke was so loud with his neighing to his buddies.
 had to turn him around back and he loved trotting and he slipped into a quick canter.  Brought him back and gave him hoof snacks.   He's such a great boy.  I adore him with his new saddle and going on trail with only myself.
Good Boy

The ride with the rest of the riders was pretty good. There was a more advanced lady who was hoping to go on a canter trot ride.  I like her a lot because she rides Domino.  I stayed with the small family group and was able to hang out with Theresa.  Amanda took the lady and Domoino for the faster ride. The broke free ahead of us.  They didn't do too much exciting footing and we all went around the lake.  Duke was nice but he made a noise when he saw that Domino was pulling ahead.  Duke made a sound to him it was cute.  We were able to do some trotting and I was pretty happy in general.  Duke had a great attitude.  He stayed at the back like I Like him to do.  ITs going to be tough to break him from his buddies.
Talking with Theresa on the ride was so fun.  I really like her but when I was in the tack barn later Cassie said she was so hung over from too much fun at the Tiki Hut.  so cute.

After the ride he did give me a hard time and not pull over to the side.  It took me some time and I was able to finally after everyone dismounted on the ramp convince him (after I had asked Amy for the smallest amount of encouragement. I asked her if she would just without going near him, walk past the gate and behind the corral.  It worked thank god.
Laurie and Cathy was there and were going for a ride.  Laurie has been having some issues with Apache and she was trying to solve them.  I had seen her heavy on the crop.  After we got back I decided to go out for a very short walk with Duke and I.  Cassie said that the other horses may follow so I needed to wait for the ride to leave.  I think this caused some unneeded anxiety for Duke.
As we went out the gate I asked him to trot.  He quickly got over excited and constantlycalled to his buddies on the ride way ahead of us.  He by the time I went down the path to the edge of the trail near the rock wall before th birds nest, he was ready to run.  i had to be heavy on his reins and talk to him as he called out neighing the whole time.  I knew he wasn't ready today to go out alone but we did about 1/2 mile and then headed back.  HE was so happy after we turned, I think he felt relieved.  It seemed like he was worried that he would never catch up to them and miss out on the fun.  They are so his buddies.  As we went up the trail to return he trotted happily and then began to break into a canter.  I have a feeling that he needs a little fast work.  Ill be happy to get him out there soon.
Hes a great boy and Im so happy.

Cleaning up the new saddle and Ive orders some additional parts, hobbles, cinch, cinch strap, and a billet.  

Kanti first time on Bogie for a while

Before going out on the 10am ride, KAnti asked me if I would take a walk around the farm with her and Bogie.  I had just gotten Duke most of the way ready so its was easy.  I had placed the saddle on his back and it seemed to fit pretty dam good.  Im excited.

Mama and Baby

Boarder Barn's roof is completed

Duke and the new snack bag,  Tails looking great too

Monday, May 18, 2015

Billerica's Horseman's Fun Show and then a run to Bobby's for Shoe $

Great little horse show in Billerica today. I met so many people and it was fun from the lady who took the pictures from "Wicked Local" to Mike the guy who has a farm near Winchenton and does Barrel Racing Clinics, Star's mom and sweet family, Jerry the man calling the awards and seeing Stacie finally for the first time.
STAR, my new best friend
It was great.
One of the events

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Early to barn, 55 degrees peaceful grooming and grazing

This was the picture of the day for me.  Got to the farm at 830 and there wasn't a 9am so that meant that I could groom Duke for at least an hour before going out on a ride.  It was so relaxing and I was completely alone except for the tall lady that leases the dark brown horse.  She is kind of snobby but I thin she has a nice heart.  She talked to me for a while as she let her horse graze on the grass around the side barn and water barrels.  I think she may be nice but a little protective.  I invited her to the Billerica Fun Horse Show today.  She seemed happier than when I usually see her.  A few weeks ago when we passed her on the trails, she was talking to her horse so gently.  I told her that I liked how nice her voice sounded as they rode by and the horse seemed to respond.  She said it helps her relationship with her horse and also is great for safety because her horse will take care of her and keep her safe.  It was very nice to hear her ideas on her horse and relationships. :)
Foxie is still healing, children riders only.  It was good to hear her feeling that good though. The looks a little stressed in this pic.

The one lady on the ride today was nice. She was very talkative. She seemed to enjoy her ride very much.  we did small trots.She said she had back issues.
Olivia was able to sell Syrah to a nice family.  She will be working at ranch and interning at a Vet this summer.
The horses were all calling between each other loudly.  They even neighed loudly as we left on the 10am ride. Mariah was with Amanda and she was very loud.  They continued to chat loudly.  Theresa said Pete was lonely missing friends at the corral and Cissus had gotten pushed around in the herd she needed to be separated for her safety.

Sweet Duke,  took a nap while we hung out

Sweet face Duke resting peacefully before we went around and tried to eat all the dandelions

Little Mama and her Sweetie Pie Lamb