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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Early to barn, 55 degrees peaceful grooming and grazing

This was the picture of the day for me.  Got to the farm at 830 and there wasn't a 9am so that meant that I could groom Duke for at least an hour before going out on a ride.  It was so relaxing and I was completely alone except for the tall lady that leases the dark brown horse.  She is kind of snobby but I thin she has a nice heart.  She talked to me for a while as she let her horse graze on the grass around the side barn and water barrels.  I think she may be nice but a little protective.  I invited her to the Billerica Fun Horse Show today.  She seemed happier than when I usually see her.  A few weeks ago when we passed her on the trails, she was talking to her horse so gently.  I told her that I liked how nice her voice sounded as they rode by and the horse seemed to respond.  She said it helps her relationship with her horse and also is great for safety because her horse will take care of her and keep her safe.  It was very nice to hear her ideas on her horse and relationships. :)
Foxie is still healing, children riders only.  It was good to hear her feeling that good though. The looks a little stressed in this pic.

The one lady on the ride today was nice. She was very talkative. She seemed to enjoy her ride very much.  we did small trots.She said she had back issues.
Olivia was able to sell Syrah to a nice family.  She will be working at ranch and interning at a Vet this summer.
The horses were all calling between each other loudly.  They even neighed loudly as we left on the 10am ride. Mariah was with Amanda and she was very loud.  They continued to chat loudly.  Theresa said Pete was lonely missing friends at the corral and Cissus had gotten pushed around in the herd she needed to be separated for her safety.

Sweet Duke,  took a nap while we hung out

Sweet face Duke resting peacefully before we went around and tried to eat all the dandelions

Little Mama and her Sweetie Pie Lamb

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