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Saturday, May 9, 2015

9am walk ride cloudy 60s

Got to the ranch at 830.  I would like to get there at about 815 if Im going on a 9am.  I think I didn't adjust the saddle good enough.  I think from now on instead of going with the ride, Ill wait with Duke and then we may follow behind slowly.  I can work with Duke to not especially catch up.  He can practice listening to me.  Not running to catch up but taking other trails and spending time with me.
He was with the ride, and I wasn't able to stay at the end because Amy was at the end and I couldn't get Duke to easily turn back.
It was a nice ride. We left late because some woman was like 15min late and we had to wait for her.   She acted jerky on the ride.  She complained she called for a canter ride.  I saw her strap the horse to pass someone.  I called out that she shouldn't pass.  Katie re-interated, stay in line.
The whole ride, Duke was shaking his head like crazy.  I was worried that I didn't get his bridle on straight.  Honestly I think I should have taken the saddle home with the bridle so I could  clean his bit and treat his bridle with the oil.  I would like it to be more comfortable on his head.
When we got back from the ride. Duke slowly pulled over to the side to walk behind the rest of the horses on the ramp.  He is getting better.  Bryce came by and let me know that the breaststrap really looked lose today.  It really did. I think it fell a bit.
After we got back I was able to work in Duke's tail and his fur.  I brushed him for a long time.  We hung out and then I trotted with him back to the herd.  I was able to give him a treat and also Bogie too.  Its nice to spoil Bogie a little.  He looked like he had the day off today.

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