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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Info for: Trailing Riding on the Cape on Vacation

Haland Stable

878 West Falmouth Highway
Falmouth, MA 02574
Call us at 508-540-2552.

We offer trail rides for the beginner to advanced rider. The ride is tailored to the group’s ability of horsemanship. All trail rides will be for a maximum of 1 hour (unless prior arrangements are made); included will be a brief evaluation / instructional period in the arena prior to going out on the trail. All horses & ponies are seasoned trail horses and we will match them to your riding level. Helmets are provided for your convenience and are required for your safety. Children must be 8 years of age or older.

Our trails have an abundance of wildlife and nature which can be seen while passing through open fields, wooded areas, past salt marshes, cranberry bogs and ponds not to mention the magnificent flowering azaleas, lady slippers and wildflowers in the spring and summer months. Fall foliage is spectacular and the changing colors of the cranberry bogs are always beautiful whatever time of year you ride.

Trail riding is available year round, weather permitting. Please call ahead to make an appointment and pricing.

We offer gentle, guided, "walking", Trail Rides on our quiet, well-mannered horses. We ride in the beautiful Brewster Punkhorn Parklands consisting of 835 acres of scenic, wooded conservation trails filled with cranberry bogs and kettle ponds.  We often see red tail hawks and white tail deer on our woodland trek.
One Hour Trail Ride

$75 Per Person

235 Run Hill Road
Brewster, MA 02631

ph: 508-685-6811

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Low 60s, Duke's sneaky trotting got Barb and Foxie hopping

Early morning at the farm,  when I got there Barb was getting her chaps on.  She was pretty happy to see me.  Shes a very nice lady.  The rest of the ladies were prob resting after the NH clinic.  The white goat stole my banana and ran away with it.  It was funny.
Duke was in his stall waiting.  He starts backing up as soon as I get there.  I love it.  He does love to go with me.  I have decided that the leather saddle can be for winter.  The lightwieight one is great for these hot weeks in July August and prob Sept.
He looks amazing in the leather one and I have it just how I want it.  Its beautiful.
Today I knew Id just be going on a walk ride but, the ride got off late so we didn't go around the lake.  The newer lightweight roper girth is great for him now.  I love it.  I brought the chin strap for the 2nd bridle. I can keep using it with him so he's happy about it.
Winter, Katies new horse that is black and white with a beautiful outline of Old Man of the Mountain on her butt.  She is a beauty.  When I was leaving Katie was riding her gracefully in the indoor ring.  I had just gotton off Duke.  He hates the ring.  I don't knw what to do about it but its ok.
I took some pics of Cassie riding Winter for the first time, it was nice.
The ride was very pleasant.  I enjoyed how Duke created a little gap between Blue Hershey and himself so that he can quick trot back in place.  This gave Barb a more thrilling ride without bothering her back or her health.  I was worried at first and asked Duke to stop fooling around so that Foxie didn't feel it was time to trot.  Well it looked as though Barb liked it and Foxie did too. 
We talked a lot about Joanne and her dad and her upcoming trip to LA for riding and visiting. Im very excited for her.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hot Humid Sticky, no heavy saddles blankets or pads for Duke

Hottest day of the year so far.  The air was so thick it was tough to breath.  I made sure that I was just after 9am so that I could just hang out with no need to go out on the 9am.  The lady that rides Tootsie with the dark hair.  She is always so nice.  She came back from the ride and said it was miserable.  She said that Tootsie was so hot and uncomfortable.  Also that the flys were almost unbearable.
Here is Winter Katies new horse.  All the guides, Olivia, Katie, Theresa and Lexie were wearing shorts today.
No Saddles bridles, blankets or pads.  Keeping cool and checking out hoofs.

I had lots of 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

First Day with Roper Saddle, took a trail ride cool breezy

Rained all morning but I headed over to the ranch.  When I got there everyone was eating a BBQ with Joey all the guides and the family too.  It was so very nice.  I went and got Duke for the rail.  I didn't think I would ride today, too muggy.  It seemed that the muggy air was making everyone sweaty including the horses.  When I got Duke he came pretty easily from his eating hay with friends.  There were so many horses back in the herd. 

I brushed Duke out and worked with his hoofs.  I was very excited to give him his special carrots at th eend of his work with me.  Laurie looked like she had gone out for a quick ride alone.  I went sure Id go out.  It was pretty quiet when I got there but soon the rides were getting bigger.  I ended up going out after all with my old Roper Saddle.  It was finally almost complete.  Only needs the snaps for the brown leather riens and the chin strap for the beautiful bridle that we have.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

90+ degrees, rode 10am trot ride Duke never walked a step

  • Decided to just take the ride at 10am and spend the time with Duke
  • Too hot to really go out
  • The other ladies went out together and then thought they'd go again
  • I thought one hour for Duke in this heat was just fine
  • We had such a fast ride, he would not walk he wanted to trot the whole time
  • Duchess was annoyed with his constant trots
  • We went completely around the lake and some
  • It was a pretty fast ride
  • The couple and Amanda was the guide
  • I had lots of time after for grooming him
  • The talks about Dentistry for the horses, possible call and learn more about



Saturday, July 11, 2015

Duke Made me so happy today, I thnk I made him happy too

Great Day!

First Ride

Second Amazing Ride

After the decend Duke stepped over some trees over the trails that made jumps.  Duke jumped the best one

Just before another amazing canter ride with Duke
Duke kept his step a quick one, I really felt joy working with him. He was respectful w/no chin strap.  Trustworthy Friend

Stepping back with quick bursts

New blanket, Girth, and Bridle,  I think the black breast strap is all over the place

  • Thought I was taking a walk with Kanti
  • Cassie told me I was missing a chin strap, the brakes of the bridle, she asked me how I felt about going with out it.  I thought I was taking a walk ride.
  • Decided that Duke had been ancy so I needed to go on the trot
  • When we got out there, They were splitting the ride for a canter,Lexie said she was taking the canter with James and she went to the right around the lake.
  • Lexie joined to take James
  • I ended up taking a right and we were on the canter.
  • Duke was amazing, he listened to my every command. I didnt need to pull on him
  • I let him jump a log.  Im so proud of him.  He was so good

  • He smiled for an hour after 
  • Kanti gave him carrots
  • Laurie gave him snacks
  • He trotted on cue next to me without a lead line.
  • Im beaming at his wanting to do good for me
  • Maybe we should actually jump more, I shoud buy cones
  • I left after brushing him out totally and going to get water with him
  • He was so good with his new girth, bridle and blanket
  • Beautiful boy
