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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Duke Made me so happy today, I thnk I made him happy too

Great Day!

First Ride

Second Amazing Ride

After the decend Duke stepped over some trees over the trails that made jumps.  Duke jumped the best one

Just before another amazing canter ride with Duke
Duke kept his step a quick one, I really felt joy working with him. He was respectful w/no chin strap.  Trustworthy Friend

Stepping back with quick bursts

New blanket, Girth, and Bridle,  I think the black breast strap is all over the place

  • Thought I was taking a walk with Kanti
  • Cassie told me I was missing a chin strap, the brakes of the bridle, she asked me how I felt about going with out it.  I thought I was taking a walk ride.
  • Decided that Duke had been ancy so I needed to go on the trot
  • When we got out there, They were splitting the ride for a canter,Lexie said she was taking the canter with James and she went to the right around the lake.
  • Lexie joined to take James
  • I ended up taking a right and we were on the canter.
  • Duke was amazing, he listened to my every command. I didnt need to pull on him
  • I let him jump a log.  Im so proud of him.  He was so good

  • He smiled for an hour after 
  • Kanti gave him carrots
  • Laurie gave him snacks
  • He trotted on cue next to me without a lead line.
  • Im beaming at his wanting to do good for me
  • Maybe we should actually jump more, I shoud buy cones
  • I left after brushing him out totally and going to get water with him
  • He was so good with his new girth, bridle and blanket
  • Beautiful boy


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