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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Duke solo ride, 45 degrees, 1.5m in the field and the woods

All alone with Duke, it was nice there were out in the paddocks,  Doc wanted tocome too.  He needed to wait til Scotti comes tomorrow. Duke when he saw me near the gate came running. It was so cool. It was like he was hugging me, as we walked.  I let him have alittle bit of grass he has a problem separating from the grass outside the gate.  As I closed it off, We went into the barn from the end.  I was alone so we ran through. I had given him an apple so he was feeling good.  I put up my saddle rack and put his saddle on it by his stall and put him in the tie backs.  He was so cute giving me looks. I brushed the heck out of him and he was so happy to be groomed. He wanted to go out.  I felt so comfortable in the barn alone.  Duke had a weird tail thing going on and Bonnie came over after I texted her a pic of his tail. She said he may need to be wormed or have his sheith cleaned. Woah I don't want to dbe going that anytime soon.  I think it may be the worming. 
Anyway she came by and was very sweet. I prefer her. just saying.

I tacked him p still alone. We went into the arena for mouning,it went ok. Only 3 attempts and I keep him in the corner now. Im hoping this gets better.

Anyway what a great ride. There was a lady on the trailer side getting mail, we said hi to her and Duke was all sweet and walked across the road no problem alone.  I was so happy. We went into the field, Duke was kinda jerky left right and then really wanted grass, I didn't give him enough rein to reach.  He hated it. We went left and then went around the corner near the house but I dint go all the way over we cut across near the house.  He trotted the fields for a while. It was relieving to see him happy. We went around the other side of the field, in the woods at the end of the field before the woods I let him eat grass, sometimes I think its a mistake. Ha Ha
Anywant we crossed out of the field checked out the left and then trotted all the way back.  I wanted him to turn and go back down the field like Jess did with Safari, not sure we are ready yet.
He was a jem crossed back to the barn wonderful riding into field and then into barn.  2 rounds in the arena and I slipped off an hugged him all the way to the stalls. We started cleaning up. Im storing the rack in the tack room behind my trunk and I put the screw rack in the tack room on my chest.  It feels so good.  I scooped the poop in the arena some not mine and let Duke back with Doc.  They were happy about the apples.  Gave the rest of the guys watching some treats and then went back home. What a great day.  So proud of that guy Duke and his skills back into riding alone again.  Lets do the trails hes thinking (I hope).
Pictures to come soon.  Oh the new horse Johnny had a terrible scrap on his head. Im so sad for him.

He seems like a good boy but Cowboy was playing halter tag with him and the other guy too.

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