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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Ride with Scotti 60 degrees and we went into the woods

Scotti was a sweetie and asked me to ride with her this weekend. She asked me during the week and I looked forward to it all week.  I was running late but she was there.  Krystyn was walking around with a face on, Bonnie is a little bit easier to talk to lately.  She is a smart lady and hard working.  As I walked in I was excited to wear my new sweatshirt bright orange and my new helmet.  Scotti said she was feeling a little quesy but she can do out for a little bit.  She wanted to keep near the bathroom.  I thought because Duke hadn't had his Previcox today taking it slow.
We went out at first we were in the arena, Scotti and I actually have a lot in common about how we warm up our horses and she makes sure that her horse is feeling ok.  There was lots of heavy equipment vechiles around the barn today, I really don't like it.  There was even a dirt bike riding out.  its like I couldnt get out of the way.
We warmed up and then we went out the side door and heading out front.  Both Doc and Duke began backstepping a bit at the front of barn.  We went across the street quicker than usual today.  Scotti talks a lot and she gives me a lot of free advice.
I took a few nice pictures.  It was so exciting because we went into the woods.  I love to trail ride so I liked it a lot.  She got tired and felt badly so we went back to barn and the into the arena. I think that Duke did pretty good although I think hes feeling stiff.  Its good to get him out there.

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