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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Riding in the Arena and then walkin with Doc & Scotti

I was so happy to go over today.  After yesterday's ride I would be happy doing mostly anything.  Scotti was there already, I was at least on time, 11am.  The lady who owns Manni was there too.  She seems to work at the barn doing lots of things.  She was tacking and working with Marnie.  Scotti and I went and got Duke, funny thing he is in a new paddock with Doc.  There are 4 horses in the back now.  The little Johnny was with Cowboy and some other horses.  It was cute, but bottom line is that Duke and Doc are doing pretty good with the locked door.  He was at the back of the paddock with a sweet little mare, he was getting close and personal with her  As soon as he saw me he dropped her like a rock.  Patti said that when Duke saw me hes like, forget you Sky, I need food more.

After that we went into the barn, tacked up te guys me on one side and Scotti and Doc on the other side.  Duke was great, I could hear Scotti yelling at Doc. I had Duke on the cross ties and he was tacked except his bridle.  I held Doc's head,she was having some problems with her sinch strap of the saddle.  I went back over to put on Duke's bridle.  Scotti was doing her warm up in the arena, I was mounted.  Duke is still kinda crappy on the mount.  Im kinda mad at him for this.  Well I finally got up and we warmed up in the arena.  He was truly uncomfortable as we walked and warmed up.  He was walking slowly.  As we did a quick trot I noticed he didn't seem happy.  The continued warm up he missed a step and then again so I told Scotti I thought he was not feeling good.  I told her she can go on with out me.  As we warmed up more, I decided that if she wanted to go into the fields I could go on foot with Duke which is kinda fun. 


 That way she gets out there with someone and I get to take a walk with that guy.  He did good.  We did the side field and I held Duke so he couldn't take in any grass. He had the a good head up and working attitude for the entire walk we went over by Bonnie's house and then back on the road.  It was lovely. 
Back at the barn we had fun too.  I untacked him after coming in through the arena in his stall. I gave him his apple and played a little bit with Patti and Sienna. 
After a bit we walked back up to the paddock and put the boys back in.  It was so sweet, I took a few pics of him so sweet.  Im a lucky lady.

This guy has all the sweet looks today.  Hes really a total peach of a guy love our walk in the fields with Scotti and Doc. 

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