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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

2017 Dentist Visit - very different

Hot as usual it sthe day before the 4th of July. I was there at 9am of course he didn't do my horse until past 11am.  He was a friendly enough buy, just a bit syncial and loves his own jokes.  Not bad.  He was very aware of everyone and everything going on while he was focused on the dentistry too. But that was not what was so amazing bout him, he uses his own god given tools to work with the horses.  No power tools, no sedatives, no mouth brace. He sticks his whole hand into Dukes mouth and all of the horses mouths to get this job done.  Well after the whole entired other side was done they finallyl went over ot me.  Babe got special service because she is so old and sweet.
Wayne said that Duke's back mohlars had been ground down too much.  It was going to cause him a problem forever.  Someone who had him dentist seemed to be the devil who did it.  That's why he drops hay, loses weight and is grumpy about his bit.  Poor sweet guy.  It seems soon he will b e limited to what he can eat.  It may hve been why he coliced last year, couldn't chew up the new hay.  Who knows anyway he will be getting less rough age to eat soon so he can put some weight on gain.


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