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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Peaceful afternoon 70s Duke finally did the grassy field w/o Issues

Peaceful afternoon

Got the yummy dewormer done and Duke likes the green apple taste, he got it all over his mouth, leg and hay.  I wanted for him to have it mostly off him before I got his tack together and got him ready to go. I never know how hes going to be on the field and if hes going to listen or toss his head.  I got hm sprayed down very well so I know he cant toss his head that bugs are getting him.  We got out there and he wanted to go to the grassy side of the field. 
I put him on the road first.  This is a new method for me. Sorto of lay down the law that we are not going to graze.  He walked along, there was a bike person on the Greenwood road that I wanted to avoid. Th elady that I thought was Sarah but I think she rides Muke was riding and doing stuff in the areana.   I slowly and relaxed while tacking Duke up in the stall.  I likehim to eat while I brush him out.  I just love it.  I put tons of green cleaner on his tail so that jerky Doc wont eat it.  Its getting crappy now.  Duke's tail is the most beautiful.  Im going to make up the spice treatment.  Ha ha

Anyway he walked pretty well til Bonnies edge then I was going to turn him around.  In my head I would have loved to go to the left and behind the house there and cut into the woods and been in the other big field that I love so much.  But something is better than nothing.  We went into the field.  He was really good.  He walked past Bonnies and I gave him a mint,  I was happy then as I was going to relax and may do a trot, he stole the grass.  Hes a stinker.
I was ok because we made it so far and then I got on him and didn't steal any more all the way back.  I put the go pro on the  horn, It was an ok idea, but next time I want to place it another area.  It was crooked and not as good as on the helmet like I like. 

He did great and we went back he got about a mile and Im looking forward to getting more miles on him in the fall.  Next winter should be amazing.

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