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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Looks so happy now

It seems as though the next door horses in the paddocks have cheered that guy right up.  Its the perfect tempature, high 50s. Not too much wind, sunny and nice. Duke, He seems so happy now.  When I get there hes usually playing with Muke, halter tag.  Last week they were jumping together and there is another smaller horse who hangs out with them too.  Hes not Doc. 
Doc sits along with his blanket.  Duke has no blanket and his fur is so nice that when people walk by him like Jess and the lady who rides with the older man and has the trailer to fox hunts petted him and gave him a treat.  Hes being more and more likeable by everyone. I think that his personality has hit an all time high in his happiness.  As I was brushing him out in the ailse hes was lcking my back.  Hes so much happier.  Although on the ride he expects to get treats now, I can deal with it.  There was tons of construction vehicles in the huge dirt pile which is getting closer and closter.

We went out anyway, I really wanted to ride in the otherside Field but I think I can push on that one next time we ride. I think we got about a mile in started in the arena, Duke was not good in the center still but we worked it out in the corner. I need to work on him in the corner by positioning him and then jumping on quick.  He still needs to do a better job working with me.
Our ride was beautiful until we got to the back hoe in Bonnies yard, I think that I decided after some encouragement from him, there was too much activity over in her yard,  3 lawn mowers the dump trucks going back and forth the dirt digger and basically wasn't very relaxing.  We trotted on a solid piece of ground after returning to the barn and then. As we sat (Duke and I in the dge of the field (no stolen grass) 2 very young deer ran across the field.  It makes me feel so good. I made sure that Duke could see them cross.  Fred was standing with me, as the deer walked ran and grazed on the Greenwoods big 15 acre field. Made me feel great, I waited then we went out there to the edge. Trucks seemed to be gone. 

I took Duke up the edge of the paddocks and then back in the ring.  He di the strange walking sideways and then I told him no, we went around again. I gave.him his treats, and then we were able to in tack and out in the field for the delicious grass.  ITs great to be with him and spend out time together.  I think he loves me, I can feel his warmness when I am taking care of him.  He was so cute, I didn't even do his tail.  I just spent time brushing out his furry sweet coat.  Hes amazing.  I'm not sure if he thinks his bit is uncomfortable.  I'm tempted to ask Krystyn but I think I will wait a bit til I feel a little bit better about her.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday/Sunday after 2 weeks

As I pulled up to the barn I peered over to see if Duke and the horses were outside.  You never know and it didnt really look lik it.  I slowed the car and stopped it.  The weather was warm enough. The rain had stopped. As I looked from the roadway, I saw Duke, dirty than hes been in a long long time.  He was putting his head in the air.  Why he's playing.  I looked again, then I drove the car on the hill to get a good look.  Duke was playing with Muke and with the new Paint.  Well I had heard that he had a new friend, a paint horse and it looks a lot like Tonto.The little jerky horse "doc was blanketed in the corner.
Duke, Hes happy.
Its the first time I really saw him like this since Bobby's.  I felt so good.
I drove in the driveway after backing down the hill.  Duke was still playing.  I saw Bonnie walking out of the ailse of the left stalls.  she looks really tired.  Krystyn was in her car. I was feeling great, I'm the only one here.  <3
Continued . . .
Its the time change and I was finally finished the bulk of school the night before.  Its time to go see my sweet horse.  " was over with his little blanket.
Duke was covered with so much black mud. I couldn't get it all off. I stayed in the paddock with him for a hwile brushing him out.  The other horses were so jealous and Duke seemed afraid I wasn't taking him out. DUke himself was starting to feel like I was not going to take him out.  He began to lean on the gate, do that terrible kick thing that he is famous for.  I took the brushes and got him out.  I was firm that the grass thing was not going to happen.

Equine Affaire 2017


  • Drove with Val and Lindsey
  • Great drive in Vals Dads Car (because hers died.)
  • Very cold coldest even got into 20s at night, I wore my blue coat from Cabelas
  • Great time at the Equine we met Denise and her daughter
  • Split up right when we got into the Mallory
  • I got some of the best stuff, went from booth to booth looking for new bridle for Duke got 2 Ill upload pics
  • Saw the guys at Redmond Rock, free salt granulated
  • Candle from Dorsal Equine Refuge
  • Spent time
  • New Christmas cards with a horse on them like Duke jumping
  • Horse hand towels
  • new Black Horse Shirt
  • Dover Dress shirt
  • Breeding Barn was the greatest
    This guys is the sweetest, hes 20 hands, named Merlin and has the cutest mustache Ive ever seen plus hes super sweet

  • Found the stuff that Scotti was looking for in Maine for carts and pulling
  • Gave money to many of the charities <3
  • Went to a great talk with Julie Goodnight riding til you are 90.  She really did a great job stressing the strength of your core
  • Saw McNabb met up with Cathy and Laurie in the Coleseum and then walked back to Mallary talked to the lady who makes the embrodirary coats
  • Got a great pic of us
  • Taped Liv and Thunder in the Mallary Demo ring
  • Ran and met Lindsey and Val in the street as they were leaving at about 5:22
  • Drove to Longhorn and had an excellent dinner with everyone, Val, Cassie, Joey, Denise Lindsey and me.  they had shots even. I just had a beer.

  • Off to Fantasia one of the best I have ever seen
    • Mustanges and the man who loves them and does gsreat show
    • The big Black Percherons and the little black minis on the hitch
    • Lady who has the white horeses
    • There was an accident where not one was hurt
    • Ladies who did a solute to Veterans
    • The

  • Back to the hotel where I slept better than anyone got up and packed took a shower and was ready to leave back home.
  • Loaded with lots of stuff for Duke and myself including learning so much.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Nice Sat warm rained Sunday wDewsnaps

Great ride on Saturday, I went over to Agway again  grabbed some bulbs for planting bought a cat garden statue , Cleaned up Duke out in the paddock went over to see Raychel and shopped at Homegoods.then back over to see my  buddy and ride.


Came on Saturday, warm and nice but there was plenty of barn drama. I had no idea. I was working with Duke, he was dirty and cute already in his stall.  I cleaned him up.  Stacies car was there and the Perrys were working on taking care of the barn. I cleaned up Duke, forgot his board check.  I was surprised when Kristen mentioned ot me as I was walking duke out in the outside ring that I needed more previcox.  Strange I thought I had enough for at least a couple weeks.  Guess Stacie didn't put many back that she said she was borrowing.  I don't hear back from her about putting them back after I said she could borrow them.  On Sunday Nov 5 I brought over 34 pills.  I hope that I'm not missing any this week.

When Stacie and Hannah returned in the dirt road, she shouted out to everyone at the barn, "who told bonnie that I went down the ailse?"  I heard her say, It  had to be one of you because she coudlnt have seen me".  Fred said that "they all told bonnie".  I really didn't understand, I didn't even think I knew what the Ailse was, I thought she was talking about out in the fields.  I wasn't listening because I was talking to Duke walking trying to make sure that he got his exercise in.  I guess she said even more but I don't listen.  She was talking to them.  I didn't think much of it.  When I got back into the barn, I talked to her 3 times but she just walked by me as I was talking ot her.  REally rude.  I think we are not friends anymore.  Shes might be just too much.   Anyway she is just "barn drama".  Those guys seems sick of her.  I think that  Id get sick of it all too.

Anyway it was an ok day for me. I got all the walking in and cleaned him up good  I'm sad that Nate the horse next to him is gone now.  Duke really loved him.  He was sweet, I gave him snacks all the time.  So cute and big too.  I loved him.