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Sunday, November 5, 2017


Came on Saturday, warm and nice but there was plenty of barn drama. I had no idea. I was working with Duke, he was dirty and cute already in his stall.  I cleaned him up.  Stacies car was there and the Perrys were working on taking care of the barn. I cleaned up Duke, forgot his board check.  I was surprised when Kristen mentioned ot me as I was walking duke out in the outside ring that I needed more previcox.  Strange I thought I had enough for at least a couple weeks.  Guess Stacie didn't put many back that she said she was borrowing.  I don't hear back from her about putting them back after I said she could borrow them.  On Sunday Nov 5 I brought over 34 pills.  I hope that I'm not missing any this week.

When Stacie and Hannah returned in the dirt road, she shouted out to everyone at the barn, "who told bonnie that I went down the ailse?"  I heard her say, It  had to be one of you because she coudlnt have seen me".  Fred said that "they all told bonnie".  I really didn't understand, I didn't even think I knew what the Ailse was, I thought she was talking about out in the fields.  I wasn't listening because I was talking to Duke walking trying to make sure that he got his exercise in.  I guess she said even more but I don't listen.  She was talking to them.  I didn't think much of it.  When I got back into the barn, I talked to her 3 times but she just walked by me as I was talking ot her.  REally rude.  I think we are not friends anymore.  Shes might be just too much.   Anyway she is just "barn drama".  Those guys seems sick of her.  I think that  Id get sick of it all too.

Anyway it was an ok day for me. I got all the walking in and cleaned him up good  I'm sad that Nate the horse next to him is gone now.  Duke really loved him.  He was sweet, I gave him snacks all the time.  So cute and big too.  I loved him.

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