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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Looks so happy now

It seems as though the next door horses in the paddocks have cheered that guy right up.  Its the perfect tempature, high 50s. Not too much wind, sunny and nice. Duke, He seems so happy now.  When I get there hes usually playing with Muke, halter tag.  Last week they were jumping together and there is another smaller horse who hangs out with them too.  Hes not Doc. 
Doc sits along with his blanket.  Duke has no blanket and his fur is so nice that when people walk by him like Jess and the lady who rides with the older man and has the trailer to fox hunts petted him and gave him a treat.  Hes being more and more likeable by everyone. I think that his personality has hit an all time high in his happiness.  As I was brushing him out in the ailse hes was lcking my back.  Hes so much happier.  Although on the ride he expects to get treats now, I can deal with it.  There was tons of construction vehicles in the huge dirt pile which is getting closer and closter.

We went out anyway, I really wanted to ride in the otherside Field but I think I can push on that one next time we ride. I think we got about a mile in started in the arena, Duke was not good in the center still but we worked it out in the corner. I need to work on him in the corner by positioning him and then jumping on quick.  He still needs to do a better job working with me.
Our ride was beautiful until we got to the back hoe in Bonnies yard, I think that I decided after some encouragement from him, there was too much activity over in her yard,  3 lawn mowers the dump trucks going back and forth the dirt digger and basically wasn't very relaxing.  We trotted on a solid piece of ground after returning to the barn and then. As we sat (Duke and I in the dge of the field (no stolen grass) 2 very young deer ran across the field.  It makes me feel so good. I made sure that Duke could see them cross.  Fred was standing with me, as the deer walked ran and grazed on the Greenwoods big 15 acre field. Made me feel great, I waited then we went out there to the edge. Trucks seemed to be gone. 

I took Duke up the edge of the paddocks and then back in the ring.  He di the strange walking sideways and then I told him no, we went around again. I gave.him his treats, and then we were able to in tack and out in the field for the delicious grass.  ITs great to be with him and spend out time together.  I think he loves me, I can feel his warmness when I am taking care of him.  He was so cute, I didn't even do his tail.  I just spent time brushing out his furry sweet coat.  Hes amazing.  I'm not sure if he thinks his bit is uncomfortable.  I'm tempted to ask Krystyn but I think I will wait a bit til I feel a little bit better about her.

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