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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday/Sunday after 2 weeks

As I pulled up to the barn I peered over to see if Duke and the horses were outside.  You never know and it didnt really look lik it.  I slowed the car and stopped it.  The weather was warm enough. The rain had stopped. As I looked from the roadway, I saw Duke, dirty than hes been in a long long time.  He was putting his head in the air.  Why he's playing.  I looked again, then I drove the car on the hill to get a good look.  Duke was playing with Muke and with the new Paint.  Well I had heard that he had a new friend, a paint horse and it looks a lot like Tonto.The little jerky horse "doc was blanketed in the corner.
Duke, Hes happy.
Its the first time I really saw him like this since Bobby's.  I felt so good.
I drove in the driveway after backing down the hill.  Duke was still playing.  I saw Bonnie walking out of the ailse of the left stalls.  she looks really tired.  Krystyn was in her car. I was feeling great, I'm the only one here.  <3
Continued . . .
Its the time change and I was finally finished the bulk of school the night before.  Its time to go see my sweet horse.  " was over with his little blanket.
Duke was covered with so much black mud. I couldn't get it all off. I stayed in the paddock with him for a hwile brushing him out.  The other horses were so jealous and Duke seemed afraid I wasn't taking him out. DUke himself was starting to feel like I was not going to take him out.  He began to lean on the gate, do that terrible kick thing that he is famous for.  I took the brushes and got him out.  I was firm that the grass thing was not going to happen.

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