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Friday, January 25, 2019

Terrible week here in January 2019 I have been thinking about Duke  and the barn and how they have been doing.  On Saturday we had a great day, Sunday terrible snow storm going on for hours about 7 inches, Monday cold freeze I only made it to Raychel's, Macy's to buy Mother-Dress and out for a few errands All the time Bonnie was trying to cope with the responsibility of the barn, driving Krystyn out to work with a horse friend inTownsend and back and forth.  Then terrible things happen, Reggie and Krystyn get in an accident with their car and then while Bonnie is resting at the end of a long hard day, her nephew drops by and says that there is a fire coming out of the chimney.  I called her and she was sitting in the driveway with the cat and the dog and her other daughter was in the other car with the kittens. She called 911 and the fire fighters were o the roof.  Tough week for the barn with weather all the day it didn't reach any higher than 0 to 5 degrees. All I could think is that I was able to get his new blanket on to keep his body warm in the stall while the winds whipped the drifts like crazy. So by Thursday the temps change to 40s and when I drove him 57.  There was Duke in a mid weight red blanket while the temps soared.
I got home from work and got food ready and out the door at 730pm.  Drove over as fast as I could, June was pulled up to the door on the right and as I drove down the Greenwood Road all of the grass was showing and the snow was gone. I was excited, the doors were closed and the winds had been whipping  like crazy against the barn across the fields.
Well I got over to the barn, had to walk in on the other side. I had a huge bag of hoof snax that just arrived so I was able to grab the bag, 3 apples and head into see Duke.
I saw he was in the stall, opened it up (its been so difficult to open to stall door the latch doesn't match up with doorway and I have to hold my weight against it and try over an over to bang it in)
We thew off the blanket,
Went out to the arena and saw that the area was flooded over by the right inside edge effecting about 25 percent of the arena off limits to the walking.
June was with her horse the grey ones and he had a feedback cover on him.  As I got Dukeout I saw the the had been sweating like crazy or even he could have had his pee on his back legs I was worried that he had been uncomfortable.
We walked 1.3 miles
I could see that he was still lame on his legs
He behaved so well and appreciated me stretching his legts
We worked together walking around the watery area
He dug like 5 holes in the arena that we would later fix by covering back up and smoothing out
he finally put down to roll he can go over and back which is an accomplishment.
Then in his sigh he resting on the ground. This warms my heart
Hes such a sweet guy I just say and scratching his long nose and he close his eyes and rested.
It much have felt to get that blanket off stretch and finally move about.
We worked together but not too much because I don't want him achey.
Hes out of his meds so I have to go by today Friday and get him his meds so he can releax.
I bushed him out, did his tail applied his  itch meds and bush out his dirty marks then back to bed :)
Oh yeah I lost his lead line too.  Ha Ha
<e Great visit, I was driving home about 930, not a bad visit

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