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Sunday, February 10, 2019

cold saturday moring

Bonnies birthday was Friday night, they had a nice party for her at the house so many family and friends.  Bonnie sitting in her easy chair next to the fireplace that wasn't working anymore. She had a drink going and her brother, daughtesrs, nephews sister in laws all around the living room.  Evne the kiities and her cat were upstairs feeling the good times we were all having.
Next mornig I went over at bout 11am,  all the horses and stalls were finished, I was able to go into paddock and get Duke and I spent the time in the arena.  Duke was in Muke's paddock again, sitting there. I know hes been making Krystyn mad, running away and being naughty. Hes been running away from her she said.  Hes still rubbing his but. I'm considering a sheet on him to keep him from rubbing his tail off.   Took Duke over to the field to graze for a while.  Then into the barn for some work.
I worked on his walking did about a mile and a half in the arena put up the rails. When we first got in there I felt a little bit unsafe with him.  duke dd that thing when he got in there where he kicks up his heels too much.  I don't like  She said, he thinks hes the alpha and he needs some displine. I think she's right. I see that he throws his head and does crazy stuff too much. We di dsome exercises, where when he did it, I backed him up a couople and then we would go on. I did not have any treats. he worked very well but had his head tilted toward me as we walked. Soemtimes he looked forward but honestly we need to work on his manners. As he walks around he will come too close to my head. I think hes a candidate for being lunged. I would like to get a long crop and teach him that I want him to do that. He needs the training so back.  Ill work on it this summer.

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