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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Foggy misty rainin afternoon

Barn was empty no cars no nothing.  The doors were closed, I was relieved but then I was disappointed.  Disappointed that they poor horses were in for the day, quiet but relieved that I would be alone with them all. yesterday when I got their, Duke called me over from the back of the paddock that he has been breaking into by stepping over the broken board (that Krystyn says he keeps pushing down) I know hes a pushy guy.  Anyway I grabbed my Corsequin, CocaSoya put it in the office.  Duke was very happy to see me when I pushed the door open.  It was so dark.  He stall was nice and clean. I walked around and gave the other horses some hoofsnax.  they were all bored, As I walked down the ailse all of the horses greeted me, all at once. It was so beautiful but they wanted snacks, food attention supper. Then I heard my own horse Duke neigh from the other side, I realized that life is short time is short I better get back there with him.
I was remembering how special it is to be in the barn alone and get to bond with my guy alone.  Having time alone with Duke today was important to me, to get his muscles and bones stretched.
I went into his stall and brought the scratcher to see if I could get Duke when he gets scratchy, it didn't really work but I did get him itched. When hes in his stall and I want ot brush him out he goes from one side to the other and he pops the doorway bottom and it makes a bang. Hes so naughty.  I got halter and his lead line and he slowly sweetly lowered his head to get that lead line on. I was debating on whether to go outside and walk the road or to get his legs stretched out while he walked in the arena. I looked in the arena and it was flooded again. This is pretty disappointing to see puddles of water.
Well I walked out of the barn door and the fog was so thick you could not see the other side of the field and the fog was floating thickly.  I could see Duke's eyes shift from lookin at me to scanning the fields with the strange fog. As I heard him he made a faint strange sound, it was saying "its creepy in the field I don't like it".
Then I thought the outside arena can be really fun Ill try real hard to get him in there and exercised. I had a pocket full of hoof snax, and I was in the paddock, then I decided to run along the edges of the paddock and then have Duke chase me back and forth. Each time he runs to the end of the paddock I would give hm a snack.  We went back and forth many times. I had the cleats on my shoes and I ran on the ice.  When I pulled into the barn I stayed to the back of the hay barn, with no mud and then I gently put the car on the edge of the driveway. It was filled with deep mud and lots of deep wager with ice covers and chunks of ice. I was able to run fast.
When we went back and forth Duke did the big back kicks with his double barrel kick. then at a few points, he began to canter as he came back and forth.

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