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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Week 3 Stall Rest

Krystyn met me at 5pm on Thursday. I was so happy she could make time. I know shes busy with stuff and Im glad she was able to finish up her chores with the horses.  I got there around 415 in the afternoon. I think Dukes happy to see me but hes a little bit quirky. I need to make sure I dont over due it with him. He gets a bit irratated because hes off and has pain.
When Krystyn was done feeding and bringing in the horses she came over and I took him out and walked him down the ailse. Its funny but I cannot tell when hes off but I want to learn. The only way to learn is to see more horses that have problems and also see them when they are fine.
Well I walked him down the ailse and then back hes off. She told me that hes probably going to be on stall rest for a while. Hes not taking off the doors and hes not scrapping his fur off any more than he has been in the past.
I took a picture of him on the cross ties last week. He can only come on the cross ties.
Krsytyn said we finally goes out into the paddock hell have to have a sedative called ACE. I looked it up.
She said that when its time they would give it to him about 20 min before going out and hes be really relaxed. I think its a good idea for him to be relaxed in the paddock.
Ill update when we get more info.
I went over Saturday and helped with stalls. I wanted to pitch in so that they would know that I appreciated Krystyns help with Duke.
I didnt take any pics but I did notice that Duke is still irratated and I think Ill use a softer brush and see if hes a bit calmer. I think I can make him feel a little overwhelmed i I brush him vigorously.
So soft brush tomorrow and its ok to not be there too long. I noticed he sort of nipped at me and I looked it up it says its when your horse doesnt feel healthy and is a littel bit edge.
Id say hes kinda edgy.
Id like him to think Im there to help him relax <3

Thursday, February 20, 2020

3 weeks of stall rest

Its been 3 weesks since Duke was able to interact with any body hes been on stall rest, he pulled his stifle or back knee. Hes gotten so hurt he cant go outsidel
On about February afternoon after Duke had his Feb massage with Michelle Clark, he went out to the paddock on a sunny day and I left feeling happy that he was exercised and happy in the sun.
Krystyn called me on that Saturday night and let me know that Duke was injured. He rested or about 4 days.  I went over to the barn mid week to meet to help give Duke an assessment.  When I got there Kristin was helping Krystyn by holding him and exemining him. They had him in the arena and then then showed me a video that Krystyn had taken of Kristin running with Duke with a dressage whip and she was sort of hitting him as they ran. I was pretty upset that Krystyn hadnt waited for me to do this, and why would she use a crop o whip?  Im still upset about this.
Later in the week Krystyn spoke to Kerri  and she came out to the barn to give him an assessment and and checked him.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Crazy Week for Duke

Started a lesson, then right after some lunging, Duke started to choke on his grain
I had been excited all week to go over after work and have a lesson with Duke and Krystyn. It doesnt need to be too much. I love riding my guy but his time may be over for riding. Hes been telling me in so many ways that hes not comfortable any more with a saddle and me.  We'll work together with what ever he is up to doing. Ground work, attitude work, round penning whatever keeps his mind busy and happy.
So recently hes been wild boy and full of himself out in the paddocks. I never know what Im going to be doing each day.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Duke on rest, hes in pain

Went over to barn to be there at 9am to meet Michelle for an Equine Massage for Duke. I had gotten a call from Ashley to see if I could watch Valerie in the morning. I figured that it would be nice, not too cold and we could watch Duke with Michelle.  Well Ashley came over and Val was great sweet little face.  Really enjoyed her. We kept her in her little PJs and dressed up and left for the barn after Ashley hung out a little.
I took the carriage and we went into the barn. I cleaned Duke's stall and then got Val. It was my first day iwth the Truck and having Val was an added bonus. Well She worked on him and I did about 4 stalls, Gailin, Lily, Johnny, Joliet and Fancy. It was a quality day. We went for a walk down the road. As I took the carriage away and I was walking on the side near the grass, I heard Duke call out. I thought should I stay there?  I didnt think so we walked our the driveway and down Greenwood road to Bonnies house. It was so cold I knew we would be out of there after the massage. I paid her 80 for the message and I was really happy she seemed to conect with him.  later she mentioned that his neck had alot of tension, said later that his back did too.  Nothing about the legs, said there was no swelling or any problems.
I looked at my phone and Krystyn had called 2 times left a text to call asap.  Duke was in pain, terribly lame and she had June check his hoofs and they were ok.  I had not checked his hoofs today. I just really tdidnt do too many chores at all with him.  Im so worried that Krystyn said he could have pulled a muscle, it could be an abcess. Hes on stall rest for a few days. Ill go over tomorrow and check on him. Im so sorry hes in pain.
Next Day Sunday:  I was thinking about poor Duke feeling so badly that they called Kerri 2 times for advice. I think hes being medicated but I need to go over there and take cqre of him. Brush him out check his legs.