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Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Years Eve 2022


Today while I was working in the area a wi th Dienba andvPatty
Beau finally spoke to me in the voice I love ❤️ 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Special Friday 30 Dec

 Extra visist on a Friday, holiday type of thing

I am not getting too physical this week until I learn more about my neck and getting back to my strong self.  I did the grooming up at this paddock. He really was not happy that I didnt take him out to the barn. I tried to exercise him a bit. We did some turns in the muddy paddock, walked around a bit. I sat on the big rock. Bee was very interested in watching us, the other side of the fence was Baby, Scooter the new older horse and then Jax. Kristie's Jax was kinda of low man on totem pole over there. Im pretty sure that Beau doesnt take any crap, but surprise hes got a girl he likes, Bee next door.

I do enjoy that Beau is the guy who is not sharing his paddock. I hated Duke with Dusty so bad, that little horse was cruel t him and I didn't like it one bit. He trapped me at the gate so many times and he was dangerous for me to get Duke. I am glad hes not with Beau, plush Beau might bite his ear off.

I finished caring for his coat, took off his read blanket, he just doesnt need one and its like 55 plus out.

I walked Beau in the woods behind the barn, it was the 3 time we went back there. Hes getting more familiar. I think I can take him in the woods and do his exercise. I was thinking about taking him in the field but Im not sure about it yet. He sees something and gets all alert. I need to figure out how to keep that contained. Well we walked down the field edge it went well, then I decided that having all the commotion going on with the other horses walking around in the other field, I may bring him back. I know hes not that familiar with trail riding or the trails in general.
i really want my neck to be healed at at least getting better.

We walked up toward the opening  then did some turns and steps backwards. we went 20 feet or more into the rocky area. we did more turns and back steps. turns, he looks to me like hes ready to go into the woods behind the paddock. where the old milk truck is. We will work more on that trail and then behind paddock. I have the road to ride and the fields.

I dont like the wild dogs, the crazy kids on the 4 wheelers and the race car reeving all the time. I hate it.

After the gravel part the trail we walk goes down a hill, its rocky and uneven. Beau does good but the mud that was at the bottom slope was not a good footing area. I had some problems with my feet, I slipped slid and generally did not have stabilty but Beau was fine at the bottom of the gravel going by the back hoe, hes not scare of the equipment so Im glad. 

I know hes a smart guy, hoping that hes got even more surprises of solid horse in store for me.

We walked back toward the barn, really enjoying the grass, its long and still part green part hay like He likes it alot, then we went into the barn. Beau isnt really that excited about.

Getting more grass as we walk back to barn

out in the edge field

Picture on the opening near his paddock he is posing for sure

Beau rolled in his paddock, yuck but we are out of the edge field in this pic

Beau with Baby, Jax and Scooter.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Dec 26th another peaceful visit


  • The horses were out in the paddock today, We thought it may be too icey but it was just right. The  3 big girls were out in the mares paddock,  Joliet is so sweet always looking for a snack.
  • He had his purple coat on I could see him up the hill. Before going up to say hi, I spent some time with Sienna, she is so sweet. Gave her some candy and cookies at her paddock.
  • Texted  Patti and let her know that Sienna was out this afternoon.
  • I went up to the paddock and Beau was in the back corner, I couldnt see him as well
  • As I walked up the hill, he moved forward and walked to the gate. I cant help but think of how Duke would run to the gate to meet me. I have such amazing fond memories of him coming to greet me.
  • He waits patiently and I get the gate open and clip his lead line on him. I dont have to worry about any behavoir probs at the gate. This is a huge relief from when I was always fighting with Dusty as he was a total jerk to Duke. I am so glad that Beau has his own paddock.
  • We walked out into the grass, then walking to clearing toward the woods behind little horses paddock.
  • Then we walked up into the rocky flats at the top of the hill. I turned him around and always try to keep him and his mind occoupied, he acted much calmer than the first time I walked him up there. 
  • We did our back steps and a turn then down the hill, the rubble and the vehicles didnt bother him this time.
  • We walked down the hill, he tripped on the rocks, once. the terrain there is rough.
  • We walked past the back hoe, then onto the big field, grass stealing, jk
  • He was waiting for me to tell him he could eat, then he did, 
  • Later I will walk him into the back field after we get to the bottom of the hills into the field. I think it will help for when we start to trail ride.
  • After that, BEau walks with me w/o pulling and also seems to enjoy the walking He doesnt pull on my to even eat. He looks around alot to see and I turned him to see behind him and all sides.
  • We kept walking into the driveway and I thought about ending on a high note. I wanted to walk the whole road but its ok that he gets to "want more" for next time. I am working with him gradually and doing things repeatadely.
  • We walked to the first speed bump, then turned back then behind the hay barn with the tractors like we did with Duke. I am looking forward to going down the field next to the tree line near Duke's grave.
  • He doesnt seem spooky really
  • Went back to the barn, then into the stall so I can get Sienna
  • Got Sienna and brought her into the arena for her exercises
  • We walked alot and did 30 back steps about 3 turns
  • When were coming around a certain area of the arena, walking a certain direction, Sienna picks up a trot. Starts to move quickly and strong
  • When finally heading back to her stall, she asks for me to continue walking instead of goign to stall, we walked more and it was very nice
  • I placed her blanket off and put her lighter weight blue plaid one on.
  • I plaecd her back i her stall and went back to Beau
  • Changed out his blanket to the light one, the red with the black bottom

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Eve day15 degrees

 High points

  • Alone with horses the whole time
  • Did great round penning
  • did great the the mount
  • got to have lots of snacks, and apples
  • excellent listening skills
  • was able to get him to stay at mounting block
  • Sienna and me did some back steps 40+, and she walked with me like we are dancing
  • put on the purple blanket, he was wearing Johnny old one lots of bird poop all over it
  • he licks me aot to show that hes enjoying the work outs
  • He blows me away with his enjoyment of round penning.
  • Hes a great listening
  • He picked up his feet much better we are getting ahead of things.
  • He didnt take off his santa hat, he loved being dressed up for xmas <3. 
  • It was so cold but it didnt bother me that much

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sat on Beau chillin

 Got a late start but it all worked out. Someone was riding Kinsey on the road a small young woman. She was very serious

The barn was not too bad June Conor and that woman. I got Beau from his paddock. He doesn’t really remind quickly when I come to get him like Duke Druid. 

We got our saddle fixed got the girth from my roper saddle

Brushed my boy out walked him a lot did out exercises with Patty after he run panned

Beau was so good today he at push really wanted to do out e exercise but I coaxed him into working out in the round pen

So proud

June said sweet things about Beau 

Said he’s so happy his cost is even shinier

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Big day but missing the girth


So strange I got to barn, it was just me. I was excited it was not raining but the horses were in. BeU was very pleased to see be. I took his banker iff. He looks really nice in it. 

He was happy, OTty came after a little while I gave her the arrangement from Griggs with the lights. It’s so beautiful . 

I was so excited to try and ride Beau a little. Got his saddle on and was petting it all together and I’m missing his girth. So sad but we worked out with the saddle but. Could not tighten it. BeUvdid a funny thing he dropped to the ground and rolled off the saddle 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Crazy week, didnt get over to barn but

 Sienna got celuloutis, an infection in her hurt leg and Patti had to do lots of special stuff to keep her healthy

Krusty got thrown off her new horse Jax, so scary Patti says that Krystyn is going to work with him and make sure that he's more confidant or at least stable to ride.

Beau's wearing a blanket now, hes coat is so much thinner than Duke's

Christmas time and I miss Santa's horse Duke so much <3

Santa's Horse Duke, my sweet angel

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Saddle fitting went great, Dr Katz says 40% Improved

  •  Went to early appt at Greenwood, 
  • 58 degrees

  • Jax Kristies horse was first 
  • Junes Africa was next
  • New waterproof sheet, red size 76, krystyn says its a little bit tight but should be ok
  • krystyn is with Kristie adn stands with her for everything she does, Im not sure but maybe she needs the extra help because she is not as experienced
  • Katz did Beau is 40 percent improved, he showed me bend his head all the way to the side of his neck, for a carrot.

  • Dr Katz is a great with Beau, after each of the sessions he writes the report up and sends it via email. Its really amazing. I brought Beau in the arena, asked Dr Katz if he had a minute for me to show him how well Beau has improved walking side ways. 
  • Then he asked me to walk him in a straight line, not sure what he saw Here is the quote from the report

He is doing better and stronger. Back has come up, Bending better and lifting back bettr. He is not a loose horse at 22 but better than he was. Even his coast looks better. Grastion work, stretching and light chiropractic Work. He is responding well. Keep up with what you are doing. You can start to sit on him and walk. 
Dr Katz confessed that last visit he looked almost fragile on the spine. I think that is why he said 6 weeks of building back his muscles.