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Monday, December 26, 2022

Dec 26th another peaceful visit


  • The horses were out in the paddock today, We thought it may be too icey but it was just right. The  3 big girls were out in the mares paddock,  Joliet is so sweet always looking for a snack.
  • He had his purple coat on I could see him up the hill. Before going up to say hi, I spent some time with Sienna, she is so sweet. Gave her some candy and cookies at her paddock.
  • Texted  Patti and let her know that Sienna was out this afternoon.
  • I went up to the paddock and Beau was in the back corner, I couldnt see him as well
  • As I walked up the hill, he moved forward and walked to the gate. I cant help but think of how Duke would run to the gate to meet me. I have such amazing fond memories of him coming to greet me.
  • He waits patiently and I get the gate open and clip his lead line on him. I dont have to worry about any behavoir probs at the gate. This is a huge relief from when I was always fighting with Dusty as he was a total jerk to Duke. I am so glad that Beau has his own paddock.
  • We walked out into the grass, then walking to clearing toward the woods behind little horses paddock.
  • Then we walked up into the rocky flats at the top of the hill. I turned him around and always try to keep him and his mind occoupied, he acted much calmer than the first time I walked him up there. 
  • We did our back steps and a turn then down the hill, the rubble and the vehicles didnt bother him this time.
  • We walked down the hill, he tripped on the rocks, once. the terrain there is rough.
  • We walked past the back hoe, then onto the big field, grass stealing, jk
  • He was waiting for me to tell him he could eat, then he did, 
  • Later I will walk him into the back field after we get to the bottom of the hills into the field. I think it will help for when we start to trail ride.
  • After that, BEau walks with me w/o pulling and also seems to enjoy the walking He doesnt pull on my to even eat. He looks around alot to see and I turned him to see behind him and all sides.
  • We kept walking into the driveway and I thought about ending on a high note. I wanted to walk the whole road but its ok that he gets to "want more" for next time. I am working with him gradually and doing things repeatadely.
  • We walked to the first speed bump, then turned back then behind the hay barn with the tractors like we did with Duke. I am looking forward to going down the field next to the tree line near Duke's grave.
  • He doesnt seem spooky really
  • Went back to the barn, then into the stall so I can get Sienna
  • Got Sienna and brought her into the arena for her exercises
  • We walked alot and did 30 back steps about 3 turns
  • When were coming around a certain area of the arena, walking a certain direction, Sienna picks up a trot. Starts to move quickly and strong
  • When finally heading back to her stall, she asks for me to continue walking instead of goign to stall, we walked more and it was very nice
  • I placed her blanket off and put her lighter weight blue plaid one on.
  • I plaecd her back i her stall and went back to Beau
  • Changed out his blanket to the light one, the red with the black bottom

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