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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Rainy day peaceful impressive work out

This guy is something special. Got to barn at like 12 50 i thought a little late. Patti seemed to have just gotten there. She works so hard, I am thinking that I may start coming early on Saturday's get the workout in. No one there but me and Patty. Really enjoyable for about an hour. 
Well Beau, what a superstar. Pouring Rain day, horses are tucked in their stalls. Beau pretty happy to see me, i had lots of snacks for him and everyone. Sienna was looking pretty good. Patty said she was just going to let her run around the arena. While Sienna was in the arena I brought out Beau and cleaned him up.
  • Achievements:
    • Pause on Mounting block - Stopped paused 10 seconds at mounting block, I was able to step up on block while he stood still. I rewarded him
    • Fast Running Round Pen - I dont love to lunge so I thought, I love to round pen, Well I push him off like I have seen works when lunging. Stepped into the center of the arena and started to get him going. He loved it, he doesnt want to go left or counter clockwise as much but he just went crazy running. It was so dam exciting.  Patty was on the phone and she missed it. Later I did it again I asked him to round pen (just like Duke) he ran like a champ. He did the rodeo shape and did about 6 bucks. He also ran really fast, Patty was really excited to see him absolutely bolt as fast as he can across the arena. Patty was really impressed with his speed. Its a bit hairy to think he would be so very fast.
    • Jumping the poles - Today in the arena I set up the poles, wow that guy loved it, at first he tricked me and went around. They I ran with him and he joyfully jumped it and jumped it HIGH. This guy is looking so dam good. I was tempted to jump on his back.
    • Wearing reins on his halter for steering -  Only for a short amount of time we walked with the reins attached to his halter. I want to get him thinking about the pressure on his halter and how we can ride in the arena and he will steer with my pressure steering.
    • Picked up his feet better - Beau must be feeling better, he tried really hard to let me pick his feet. I know that this feet had been sore for the last week and 1/2. After Dave had to trim off all of the rotten and decayed hoof and clean his frog up. I know its been hard. 
    • Licked me so much, I could see his poor deformed tongue so sweet but the terrible scar from an accident that must have been just so painful maybe even almost lost his tongue. Poor sweet Beau.
Really enjoyed the visit, I need to get some addtional snack stuff for him. Soft snacks. I have been sharing apples, cutting up carrots and using expensive cookies. Ill need the oatmeal cookes that Wes loves so much.

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