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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Beau - Greenwood 16 hh bay needs a person

Looking to try something that Patty had suggested back in Aug.

Although I was not in tune with how it could benefit me, I soon thought about it more.

Krystyn had done a great job sending horses private sales and also giving me info on some of her sources for new horses. I had this horrible feeling having to make a decision on Ratchet at Whitmore's. I could barely deal with a small amount of time to decide on a new best friend. And then going to Chipaway seemed like a nice place on the cape about an hour plus from home. But what if I also fell of ra 

There were sales of trail horses ,all ver small 15hh and a bit more.

 Thorughout the whole time there has been almost every option run through my head, with all of this unrest, poor Nellie has been ridden hard and now is looking for a forever home. She barely made it though with her situation at Greenwood. I always wanted to be kind to her but there were all these restrictions on her. It was truly difficult of rme to see her next to Duke and not give her apples, cookies etc. IT was not a situation that I Liked especially riding a poor sweet lady like that on a mid 90s day at 1pm honest time catering across the field in the hot sun. My heart was truly aching for her. Anyway Bonnie called and said that she was the horse for me but I know she is a Childs horse, very small 14 hh no business as mine but nice to be asked.  From there its Crowleys but I was asked but at this point I think it would overwhelm me. Great opportunity to get a trail horse but it may be the wrong fit of rme. I am not a drive by best friend. We make jokes that I am in he date phase. There is something to that statement.

I had a relationship with Duke, for about 11 years, riding him, leading him 2 years and then buying him and moving him to Greenwood. When he moved to Greenwood, as his bones ached and his teeth were ground down, he settled into his forever. But as it was his forever wasn't as long as it was dated in my head. The vet and the dentist let know that he was older than I was told. He died he was I his 30s. My beautiful senior boy.  He was the one.

So dating phase, this is a bond that will start out slow and then grow. If Beau is going to be a potential friend of rme, I need to ge tot know him.

Also asked Krystyn point blank what was wrong with him, why does he not ride, what ar etc limitations etc. She said she actually did not pursue it. She and Kerri ran into a snag in finding out what was next.

I asked Krystyn to find out with Kerri and I would consider him if it could work. she said great because she actually thinks he was a mistake and if we could make good, then well lets try.

So I want to be the guy for this guy Beau, give it a try <3

Today we are meeting up for our first get together to hang out. Lets see how it goes.

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