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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mr. B and me my new friend

Second day with Beau is a lot better. He was out now in his paddock, Kristin fixed it.

It was nice to see Kristin, I talked to her first hing, asked her about the her rescue of Manny. She said she knew the lady and it was a easy adoption. I let her know I was going to work with Beau and also had an adoption application in at NEER. She wished me luck. She was happy that I was working with Beau.

There was a big to do about NEER wanted to visit Greenwood facility. I had to tell Krystyn and Bonnie about it, got an email. Krystyn said its ok.

15 min later Bonnie called and asked to cancel the visit, I sent a note back to Cindy at NEER Barn Manager to cancel. Cindy answered in the morning thanking me and knowing the reschekule.

It got them really motivated. There's a plan to fix Beau, rehab him.

The whole time Have been telling Patty and Krystyn hat I need a horse that I can work with, with trust bond and a relation sip.

Beau is a quarter horse 1/2 Quarter horse 1/2 Thoroughbred horse. Pretty exciting.

The American Quarter Horse, or Quarter Horse, is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name is derived from its ability to outrun other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less; some have been clocked at speeds up to 44 mph.

This is Beau's family and races, he is registered quarter horse

Kerri will do an eval of Beau: back, hind end, feet etc he needs to have a plan to get fit.

Krystyn said that Kerri said Beau with managed pain meds Beau could do walk trot trails and could be workable. needs provicox. His feet are not straight, Ill need to talk to Dave and get him straight. June did his front feet, Krystyn said hell need shoes maybe in the front.

His back needs to be looked at, he needs to get fit.

Krystyn said, he can't work in the arena in circles round and round its not good for him.

Drama at the barn

After I left the barn, Patti told me the alpaca died, she curled up lonely and sad because her sister died and the goats were just not as loving as needed. Poor sweet thing, she went to heaven with her sister.


The trip to Crowleys was not a success for the a new horse for replacing Nellie.  But a nice buyer came and is going to take care of her forever. I am relieved she needs a loving family like that.

but that's not my business.

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