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Friday, March 31, 2023

Pictures From spring shots 20


Grabbed these pictues out of the form from the rabies shots done in March, I am really bummed at the horrible chain on his nose. Hes a very nice boy.  Hate  how the clip and chain go across his nose. I remember the terrible marks on Duke's face, deep marks that left terrible scars.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday Night with Beau

I know that I wasn't going to see Beau on Saturday. It is Still light out as I drove over, brought lots of oatmeal snacks 2 apples. Only 3 people were at the barn. 3 girls and Kristin. They moved Kinsey next to Cisco to help him settle. On Tuesday Africa was laid to rest. June did a lovely tribute to her. Just beautiful.

As I drove to the driveway there was a small herd of deer in the twighlight I could see their forms and their eyes glowed. So beautiful, there was light in the sky behind the paddocks behind the barn but the field where Duke was buried is the dark area. I like to think of it as Bonnie's field.

We worked out in the arena, first with my lead crop with the small rope. He did both sides, and ran very nicely. We also worked out with some back ups steps and turns too. He followed me around the arena.  Then I called him over while I waited at the top step of the mounting block. He came over and walked stood but then he moved. I was so happy that he understood that I wanted him to come over to the mounting block. It was so cool, I am very proud of him.

Bandana pick up with snacks - We walked around and I am starting to get him to touch his nose to the bandana and then pick it up and bring it to me. Its going good. I tuck the bandana in his halter, then call him to get the snack to walk over to me.

I think that I am going to soak the bandana in apple juice for the next session. I think then he will put it in his mouth.

Brushed him out did his tail, mane, fur, brushed him in the cross ties. he was watching me the whole time. 

Picked up his feet, He did ok and put on the hoof moisturizer. I think that his feet still hurt. Hes trying and every time he gets better at lifting his hoofs.

Brushed off his blanket after the work out, put the blanket back on him. The blanket was absolutely filthy. Kristin said he was running around in the paddock, "full of himself".  I love it.

After I brushed his blanket off and put it on him we went back into the arena and he ran like a mad man. 

I think I want to learn how to get him to do a crazy with figure. I know that he tries to do it but I don't know how he knows to do that.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Saturday Val Sunday cold

 Saturday was very nice, 

Came over with Val, she was sleeping over and exctied to go to the barn. When we got there Patti was working in the arena with Sienna. Very happy.

Was able to get into the arena and a little bit of running and then we did our clicker training. I dropped the banadan and Beau would touch it with his nose, Val would do the clicker and then I gave Beau some cut up carrot peice.

Worked out in the arena and 

Sunday the paddock was so flooded for Beau but the remainder of paddocks are Goid. Poor Beau has ducks 🦆  in thete swimming around

Beau was stranded on a piece of soil he didn’t move on z Saturday but Sunday he was ready to get the heck out of that horrible paddock. 

We Val came over and Beau just enjoyed interacting with her

I think he’s gotten better and understands that she part of the family part of me and that hes the family too.

Last weekend only Saturday

 Beau has been doin great with his clicker training

Set up the poles and used the bandana training

He even ran over the piles to touch his nose on the bandana

He also ids keeping his woah patience at the mounting bloc the weatherwomen ok but they were in it was strange

I got the water bottles from Steve 5 of them for Bonnie

I put them into Dukes old stall but he went into the paddock for a while

 Beau has been doin great with his clicker training

Set up the poles and used the bandana training

He even ran over the piles to touch his nose on the bandana

He also ids keeping his woah patience at the mounting bloc the weatherwomen ok but they were in it was strange

I’m at

I got the water bottles from Steve 5 of them for Bonnie

I put them into Dukes old stall but he went into the paddock for a while

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Dr Katz says Beaus awesome

8am appt perfect on a Tuesday morning.

I got there at 745, no problem.

Right after I pulled in, I was organizing stuff for Beau, Dr Katz pulled n too.  

the barn was empty and it was a nice morning all alone.

I wanted to get Beau out to stretch in the arena, run around a bit and clean his up so hes easy toward on for Dr Katz.

it worked out great.

He got his adjustment, and also did some very nice stretches. he reached all the way to the floor right below him. Katz said he was really loose.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Brushed out Tucker


Sunday was not as quiet as Saturday. It was a good day but the horses were in. I walked in ready this day I had lots of carrots. I know I was going to do the tricks with the bandana, but not inside. Patti was there in the arena and Kristin was doing something. I took Beau outside after meeting up with Sienna and then giving her some peppermints. I brushed out Beau he looked so smooth with no coat on. 
DEcided to bring him out to the empty paddock where the mares usually go. The snow was untouched, Beau woud be the first one in there. We did our exercises. Unlike Duke who loved to run and begged to get out of the barn, BEau wanted to play Play with me. Play our games.
I have been really excited to tack him up in the coming weeks. So when we exercise its work. I asked if Krystyn had time to do any lessons, she said its going to be very busy and that they will not be as much time to take lessons. 
Tuesday Beau will get an 8am Chiropracter session. Dr  Katz will be doing the massage to keep him strong and to Im excited to hear what he thinks about how fit he is getting.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

All snowy Saturday all alone for hours


This face, this guy was so good today.  We did some standing at the stairs, he stood exactly how I needed. waited. We were just sitting there after he did the greatest amount good stuff. He did his running around mostly one way. He pooped in the corner where one of his friend pooped last week. I cleaned his poop up today and when he went back in the arena he pooped exactly same place in the left corner back of the arena. He ran and ran. We walked backwards 40 steps, and then he did his turns. So well. I used a very light gentle hand on him. I held his line but only lightly moved, and he responded. So proud. 

Funniest thing is we did our target training this week, I dropped the blue bandana and he picked it up and each time then, one of the times he picked it up in his mouth, and started to chew on it and then actually started to eat it. I had to pull it out of his month
 Made me laugh out loud. Hes such a sweetie. I like the little crop I have with the strings on it.
I got out the dressage whip when I got back into the arena and he seemed to run even better when the whip. Thats when he pooped for the 2nd time in the same place after I cleaned it up.
Brushed out his tail, his coat. I took out the brush instead of the pick, I brushed his hoofs, but not picked. I think his hoofs were sore and infected possibly. When I went to pick them it may have hurt him. I like the infected hoof was most likely sore and if you are not careful it hurts.
So he had Dave come and give him the finist care for his hoofs.  He is healed and now he will pick up ost of his feet for me. Well today I think.we will get better more an more. Hes had his teeth done his feet, 

I took Sienna out of her stall, I had given her an apples sausce when I got there.
I brought her over into the arena, she was very gentle she had a nice blanket on and she walked gently. When I thought about it. I wondered if she wanted to run like Beau with the dressage whip. Well I picked it up. She ran like a bolt of lighting kept running and running. I thought she was going to get hurt. She was sort of doing strange steps and meaning kicking and darting and doing partial turns. Looking like she could ram into a wall. I was worried. I got her a snack  .
While I worked out with Beau, she was looking  at me. When I was finished with Beau, I sent Patti a note. I wasnt sure if she was coming today. She asked me to check on Sienna blanket to see if she was warm. She was warm. Her bandage is on her leg and she got a chance to run around in the arena.
After he ran alot I put his massager on and as he enjoyed his massage, I cleaned up the aisle and swept. I gave all the horses snacks, went over to the other aisles and made sure Muke and Scottis horse got a big oatmeal bar too. I gave pieces to the horse that looks like Beau named, "Dakota".
Ace left this week. I know that Beau really liked him. Krystyn said that Ace was a very sweet horse. He was dark brown almost black small boned like a fresan in the face but small.frame.