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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday Night with Beau

I know that I wasn't going to see Beau on Saturday. It is Still light out as I drove over, brought lots of oatmeal snacks 2 apples. Only 3 people were at the barn. 3 girls and Kristin. They moved Kinsey next to Cisco to help him settle. On Tuesday Africa was laid to rest. June did a lovely tribute to her. Just beautiful.

As I drove to the driveway there was a small herd of deer in the twighlight I could see their forms and their eyes glowed. So beautiful, there was light in the sky behind the paddocks behind the barn but the field where Duke was buried is the dark area. I like to think of it as Bonnie's field.

We worked out in the arena, first with my lead crop with the small rope. He did both sides, and ran very nicely. We also worked out with some back ups steps and turns too. He followed me around the arena.  Then I called him over while I waited at the top step of the mounting block. He came over and walked stood but then he moved. I was so happy that he understood that I wanted him to come over to the mounting block. It was so cool, I am very proud of him.

Bandana pick up with snacks - We walked around and I am starting to get him to touch his nose to the bandana and then pick it up and bring it to me. Its going good. I tuck the bandana in his halter, then call him to get the snack to walk over to me.

I think that I am going to soak the bandana in apple juice for the next session. I think then he will put it in his mouth.

Brushed him out did his tail, mane, fur, brushed him in the cross ties. he was watching me the whole time. 

Picked up his feet, He did ok and put on the hoof moisturizer. I think that his feet still hurt. Hes trying and every time he gets better at lifting his hoofs.

Brushed off his blanket after the work out, put the blanket back on him. The blanket was absolutely filthy. Kristin said he was running around in the paddock, "full of himself".  I love it.

After I brushed his blanket off and put it on him we went back into the arena and he ran like a mad man. 

I think I want to learn how to get him to do a crazy with figure. I know that he tries to do it but I don't know how he knows to do that.

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