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Monday, March 6, 2023

Brushed out Tucker


Sunday was not as quiet as Saturday. It was a good day but the horses were in. I walked in ready this day I had lots of carrots. I know I was going to do the tricks with the bandana, but not inside. Patti was there in the arena and Kristin was doing something. I took Beau outside after meeting up with Sienna and then giving her some peppermints. I brushed out Beau he looked so smooth with no coat on. 
DEcided to bring him out to the empty paddock where the mares usually go. The snow was untouched, Beau woud be the first one in there. We did our exercises. Unlike Duke who loved to run and begged to get out of the barn, BEau wanted to play Play with me. Play our games.
I have been really excited to tack him up in the coming weeks. So when we exercise its work. I asked if Krystyn had time to do any lessons, she said its going to be very busy and that they will not be as much time to take lessons. 
Tuesday Beau will get an 8am Chiropracter session. Dr  Katz will be doing the massage to keep him strong and to Im excited to hear what he thinks about how fit he is getting.

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