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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Got to barn around 5pm, pouring out 60s

Missed Patty totally, she had told me a funny story about J and Joe and Im still laughing. 

2 weeks ago Krystyn bought a new horse small pretty but looks like it has alot of scars for a little horse, his name is peanut. I heard he may be blind in one eye but whats the big deal, I bet hell be even better.

Anyway, June was at the barn all caught up with some woman and Cisco. 

I was able to get my guy out into the arena, I had brought out into the arena, firth he followed me around very sweet, he did his backward steps and also some turns.

then I started to round pen him, he gers so crazy but, he enjoys going one direction and not as much the other. I like the free lunge so Ill keep doing it that way. He doesnt keep up alot of the time.

He didnt seem to want to go back in again after we took a break. He also did that crazy round where kicks up so far that you think hes going to hurt himself. 

Im sorry I missed Patti because I want to keep him socializing with Seinna and Patti so we can go out and trail ride some time soon.

I sayt with Beau after trying to fix hs feet, pick or brush them but he did a poor job of lifting his foot. I worry about how he'll be with Dave.

I started back home around 6 or so, still pouring, the grass in the field is so tall, they may never get to make hay out of it because its so tall.

I sayt with Beau after trying to fix hs feet, pick or brush them but he did a poor job of lifting his foot. I worry about how he'll be with Dave.

I started back home around 6 or so, still pouring, the grass in the field is so tall, they may never get to make hay out of it because its so tall.

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