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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Late visit on a Sunday, headed over at 3pm almost missed Patti completely

I think that Beau was feeling some aches and pains lately and the flies started to really get to him.
I went over late on Sunday 13th, was working in the yard and had so much to do.
Saturday might have been the day that I missed brining Beau in because the bugs were so bad


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday same weekend it all went beautiful

 Hadnt ridden since May 27th, In May I rode 3 times and 3 times in April.
Today I have to say how proud I am of this wonderful boy.

But he did do one sort of bad boy thing, he got going in the arena and he flopped right down and started to roll, I had to run over to him, take the dressage whip and I snapped it and yelled at him.

He helped me put on his bit

He waited while I put on his pad and saddle in the stall.

When we went into the arena, he lead me to the mounting block

he turned perfectly and waited for me to get on him

He worked with my strange way of steering him, I forgot that he was not a one reining.

and I was using it with him then I quickly remember that he steers different

I am going to work with him just standing, as I adjust my stirrups, he stands just perfectly its very nice. Im a bit clumsy getting my feet into the stirrups.

We rode around together he listened good. I think I am more confidant with my neck being stronger.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Late to barn again almost rode

 Washed the floors, did some laundry. The weather is so strange, cold, and really cloudy. It was like 67 today, Aug 19th 2023. Usually its hot. Patti send me a note that it was only her and Bonnie at 1pm but I was still working on house did get over until 3pm. Patti was there and we talked. I brought Beau in, he was pretty chatty at the paddock. I went by his old paddock and where there was te pool of water the horse there had a ton of weeds growing. I felt lucky that Krystyn had moved him up top. I am so glad about it. 

Talked to SCotti at the very end, after Patti left. Scotti was sharing how she was in PT for her balance. Patti told me later that she was worried about deworming, and asked for help deworming for Dusty. Her eyes were sort of enlarged and she was talking about how she was uncomfortable with her teeth. 
We ended up sharing that we both were working with quilting and she and I are doing paper piecing templates. She is focused on making small pot holders. She said that they were especially small. it was very interesting listening to her methods. I showed her my quilts that I had made in the past.

Got Beau out of paddock, horses were out even though I tought they might be in today because it looked like rain. As I walked up to the paddock area, Beau listened to my voice that he started to make horse noises and paced a bit. he knew i was coming for him and he made touch horse sounds. it was sort of funny.

Kayla came into the back of the barn, while I was tacking up Beauin the arena, she opened the door and left it open. I think she was just a bit inconsiderate, I was working with Beau and she didnt check on me she just yelled door opened it and then sort of left me holding him with his halter down and I was getting readay to put on his bridle. 

I let her know that it was not good and decided not to ride after all because Rebels owner had come in with 2 dogs. I dont really like dogs in the stable, it makes me feel its a set up for an accident. Its not good to bring dogs into the barn while oteres are trying to do stuff. My opinion completely

I had my crop with him, he wasnt like all lovey with me he was all grass eating. I saw that the back door was closed, and I walked around front, Patti had already worked out with Sienna and she rode. She seemed really happy. She said that tomorrow she is going to be late because shes going to breakfast with Meera.

Beau grabbed grass we went into the front and he did that thing I really worry about, he yanked the lead line and ran into his stall. I was mad at him.  I went in after him and grabbed his lead line and brought him into the arena, he chewed on the wood as I put up the plank, it took a piece of wood off. 

He was pretty gentle,after I got him back out of the stall brought, As he entered into arena's for work out, and  I round penned him, he took off like a bullet, I was almost.  today we did a little bit of backing up and turning. Then we did the running. Beau was crazy running after I got him going. He goes good for a few turns then goes crazy with sporadic run and turn with sudden stops. I do enjoy him runing like he does.

Tacked Beau up in the arena and was going to ride if kayla hadnt gone into the space and brought in the horses. Here I had the pad on but he moved to the mounting block and I put in the the saddle, the sinch was very dry, before I left I put together the bags for supplements and also oiled the sinch.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Beau 2020 Greenwood arena with Krystyn

 found this picture in my icloud from the ipone, when I was working out with Duke and had some lessons, Krystyn must have been getting Beau ready for a lesson program, Same day we worked out with Duke.
Hes really cute on these pics makes me want to saddle him up again.

last weekend

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday, late day dewormed, sunny warm, another set of new boots and Beau seemed down

It was a pretty warm sunny summer day. I meant to go to see Beau on Saturday but was so busy unpacking on Saturday, plus Raychel came over with WEs and we did some playing and swimming.
Well it was hard to do chores, put stuff away and also make sure I was able to get over to see Beau. I want to ride soon but he seems kinda achey. I hadnt seem him in a week and a half. Since the Wednesday that Erika came to the barn for a visit.
So good to be able to see him again. I walked up the hill it was about 230 and maybe 82 degrees really sunny and nice.  As I walked up the hill each of the horses neighed at me, whinneyed. As I passed the round pen with Dusty in it, I gave him one of the apples from down the street. small little delicous tasting apple. He was happy. all the other horses were at the edge of the gates but Beau was not at his gate, funny. Well i spoke to the other horses and told them that I was not coming for them but for my horse Beau.
As I got to the top of the hill and turned the cornver he wasnt at the gate, he heard my voice and came running I called his name and he answered me back.
I had a little appe for him and then hooked his lead line to this halter and opened the gate. He was happy to step out and grab some grass. We walked down the driveway past the hay barn turned around and headed bck to the barn into the barn.
I brought Beau down and gave him a good brushing on the ties. I had a ton of carrots for him. After a bit I brought him out to the arena, hes walking a bit lame. He pooped in the arena and I forgot to clean up his poop. I feel bad.  We worked out by walking around together.  He seemed off but I do think that he was sad, because I was away for so long. He was not as affectionate as he usually was. but he was obident but sort of dragging.  We walked for a while about 15min or so and I tried to get him to run a bit but he was tired. I took him outside and rinsed him off.  He had so much salt on his back that I thought it was sand as I brushed it away before his shower.
Talking to Krystyn and Patti in the barn, it was nice 
Before I left I put together the new supplements, it looked like I have about 16 baggies in the jar. I need to track them better.  

He had only one of the fly boots on that he had to keep the flies off him. The other one was ripped up but I think I can fix it.  I put one of the new boots on so hes got 2 now. 

Beau seemed off in the arena, he wasnt as affectionate but was not in a bad mood. We walked around on the dirt road out front. Also I gave Beau his de wormer.