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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Beau going to train - May to Whitmores with Lynn and August

On weekend, Patti told me she was talking to Lynn about her horse, August. She said that she was going to try to wokr uut sojme training with Pete Whitmore Its a Pleasure Training.

At first I have been thinking that I would go to Orange, to thier farm for several weeks. I have been thinking about it since talking to Pete at Equine Affaire Nov 10th.

Little Willy - August's colt 6 or so years ago

I was trying to imagine how it would be that Beau would be picked up on the weekend by Pete's father, loaded on the trailer out to the barn in Orange. I guess I would follow behind, pay the 1800 for the week. 
Lynn has sent her horses to Pete 6 years ago, he trained August some and then had the little colt from August. She said that the little one was with Pete for 2 years and then he helped her sell him. She was very happy with all of the work with her horses.

She said that she was intersted and that she would contact Jess Whitmore to see if we could get into the schedule. We were thinking March/April 2024. I said I agreed too, that that Beau would be really helped by going with August, she is the next door, in her stall next to Beau. I give her tons of snacks, so she knows me.

Well Lynn has a trailer and would drive us out.
Lynn texted me today, she contacted Jess and looked into the schedule.  Jess said that there would be openings in May. Lynn said that she is going to work it out that we go a few weeks in a row, Drive out to Orange take 2 hour lesssions and turn around home.   

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