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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Feeling the love from Beau

 Saturday and Sunday post

I didnt take one picture on Saturday, it was so busy. June was on Cisco, the 4 wheelers were riding all over the place.  I had gone out with Tina, April Travis for breakfast and was trying to get things done before going over to the barn. Well Raychel came over with the kids and the day went into later in the day.

By the time I got to the barn it was later, Patti was held up in Waltham with her Mom so she went over late too. We were able to meet up. 

Krystyn said that Beau was behaving pretty well. I felt good, she stopped and talked to me. IT was the first warm spring day that I had experienced. The field was full of blue birds jumping. IT was something to watch. Kristyi was having June look at Kinsey's foot for an abcesss. Shes been sore for a couple of weeks. All the water this winter has been tough. 

June took Cisco out for a ride even though the 4 wheelers were riding crazy, just zooming loud and fast with no consideration for the people riding or being near the barn. I almost thing that they hate the barn adn the psople that pay for their horses. Anyway, I didnt have as much time over iwth Beau but really enjoyed working with him we were in the arena and he was watching ever step I took and riveted to working with me. It was very exciting.


  • Cleaned up the truck bed to make room for stuff going to Pax
  • Beau and I worked out in arena lots of rolling around and walking together
  • didnt feel like running too much but did some round pen stuff
  • very good steps and walking backwards.
  • I am feeling alot more confidant.iwth hime
  • Beau was continuing to be improved with his picking up his feet. So very proud
  • got over late wasnt sure what I was going to be doing
  • The weather was really weird

  • Sienna was feeling sort of bad, not wanted to go be with Patti but stay with her friends on the paddock.
  • Beau was in still not sure why I think that they are using him to keep Sienna happy but she wants to be with the girls outside.
  • Beau was very sweet. 
  • picked up his feet pretty good again 
  • We walked out into the field, further than usual to look over at the area behind the dirt pile where I want to bring him for a walk up at his paddock.
  • he was pretty happy because of the grass and I was proud of him. we walked out to the driveway and then out around the barn to the edge of th grass and then along the edge of the field. It was fun adn he seemed to enjoy it. I figured hes better outside walking especially because he didnt get a chance to go out into his paddock at all.
  • He was so very loving in the arena and listned so well.
  • Sienna was acting a little bit annoyed with everyone, she did not want to come inside with Patti, she pulled her way back out to the paddoc to stand with the girls. 
    Pattie wanted her to come in so she cross tied her and Beau had just gotten his grooming and successful hoof care and went into his stall very happily.
  • Sienna was pulling and calling out angrily. It was strange she was not going to keep standing and she wasnt going into her stall. We decided if we brought in Joleit and Spice that Sienna would feel much better.
  • I brought in both Joliet and Spice because as I was getting Joleit Spice pushed open the gate and she walstz around with just my finger on her halter no lead line. Then I got spice in her stall and Joliet went into her.
  • Next we had to bring in Hildengo and she was not comfortable going through the gate. I was holding her and she was talkign to me, saying things like she felt uncomfortable and circled. she was not happy with the mud and she spode and reeared we did some spins but she was a good girls just veyr upset and worried and I did my best to give her space enough to rear and pull she seemed like she might bolt.
  • I got her to her stall adn she ran in almost falling and hurting herself. I was scared for her. I had to run back and get the rest of the horses. but helgo was very upste.
  • Next we got Cisco and Dusty we went in ok, Cisco is looking for snacks, I had a pocket full of snacks and it helped iwth Heldogo and Cisco is a freshy but he got snacks too.
  • Then we got Ruby who also was upset, I told Patti that she was walkig on the wrong side of her because she is blind on one side. She didnt listne but later when  Krystyn finally got to the barn,  told her that infact, I was right she is blind in one eye.
  • Edith is Scarlets owner adn she came over t brush her out and put her in for th dy.
  • I am positive that spending time with the other horses and talking with them all the time had helped brining them in <3 especially talking to Ruby to help calm her and also Heldigo too <3

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