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Sunday, March 10, 2024

Saturday was a good success


The day I would spend giving away snacks (less as usual becuase I forgot I had them in the new container.

I put together the new supplements, that include the "Bug Off" from Smartpak. 
Smelling literally like a garlic Italian Dinner, so funny. I was adding it to the new pags, and I said, is someone making dinner? can you smell that? and it was his garlic sumplements, with apple cider vinegar and garlic and grape seeds.

WEnt into the arena, did our workouts again. I get a funny feeling because I do some great stuff to warm up and then Beau will do something a little bit too crazy. Pattis says hes just showing off to me. I know he needs to run around and to stretch. the man John was in on Saturday, the 4 wheelers were loud and coming close to the barn but I did not see it.
I walked up to his paddock, so nice all the horses were getting snacks from me but Beau knew he was the one coming with me.

Learning to stop is much better now too.
 I did the bandana trick for a while in th earend on Saturday.


Only there for 1 hour but I had 3 pounds of apples, and tons of fnacks for eveyrone. The paddocks were so muddy today that the horeew were in. I felt bad but knew that I oucld make a difference if I share apples, snacks and get my horse out side.

We worked out in the mares paddock, once I could clear the deep mud and get into the level area it was nice. I knew that i only had 1 horu so I wanted to get him exercised. No running around but we did our exercies. He walked back more than 100 steps.

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