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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cold Rainy but the horses were out

 Met up with Tina in the morning at the diner up in NH, and then  we voted. Not too much we have to do. 

Got there around 130 or later, Patti was riding Sienna, I have the loaner from Ford, the Escape,  she did not recognizeme. Believe it or not, the horses were out happ enough.

I gave out a tonof snacks, carrots and had some oatmeal cookies.

it had been raining andn I had no boots or coat hat. Really was feeling cold.

There were 2 cars there found out later it was Kelly Greenwood and her boyfriend she said she was cleanning up stuff. Not sure what she is up to but she is sort of a do nothing, raisingn the cats, complaining.

Patti walking around,  I went up to Beau's paddock, no the way giving everyone some snacks. Cisco was pretty aggressive about snacks and I did nont realized. I gave him  a snack then 

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